Can't Undo Facebook Timeline? Know Why

After 6th December, Facebook Timeline has completely transformed the shape of old FB profiles. Some users are finding the new layout pretty complicated and unfamiliar. Whether it may be new advanced privacy settings or the new profile design, Facebook new changes are always somewhat not unanimously accepted by the 800 Million registered users.  The new Timeline design display all your posts in hierarchal way, giving more importance to your memorable posts, photos and events.
There appears to be no option which could remove timeline or undo the new profile design change so that you could revert back to the old profile layout. No method so far seems to work, neither disabling the timeline app  is working. The Timeline App was a method by which you could set up timeline before its launch. There must be reasons behind absence of timeline Removal option. Lets analyze some facts.
Zukerberg Recently blogged about his commitment to Facebook community Saying:
I founded Facebook on the idea that people want to share and connect with people in their lives, but to do this everyone needs complete control over who they share with at all times.
This idea has been the core of Facebook since day one. When I built the first version of Facebook, almost nobody I knew wanted a public page on the internet. That seemed scary. But as long as they could make their page private, they felt safe sharing with their friends online. Control was key. With Facebook, for the first time, people had the tools they needed to do this. That's how Facebook became the world's biggest community online.  We made it easy for people to feel comfortable sharing things about their real lives.
We've added many new tools since then: sharing photos, creating groups, commenting on and liking your friends' posts and recently even listening to music or watching videos together. With each new tool, we've added new privacy controls to ensure that you continue to have complete control over who sees everything you share. Because of these tools and controls, most people share many more things today than they did a few years ago.
Overall, I think we have a good history of providing transparency and control over who can see your information.
That said, I'm the first to admit that we've made a bunch of mistakes. In particular, I think that a small number of high profile mistakes, like Beacon four years ago and poor execution as we transitioned our privacy model two years ago, have often overshadowed much of the good work we've done.

The highlighted words are where Mark himself accepts some of his past mistakes. Beacon was Facebook's advertisement system that sent data from external websites to Facebook, for the purpose of allowing targeted ads and allowing users to share their activities with their friends. The controversial part was that Facebook was publishing User activities from other websites without explicit permission from the user. This was a complete violation of user privacy. All this was done without letting you know!
The purpose of sharing the Beacon story is to tell you that Facebook have often taken decisions without keeping user feedback greatly in mind. Now when the entire Layout was going to be transformed, no proper Feedback campaign was ran which could ask users about their likes and dislikes concerned with the new timeline Design. Yes they tested a beta version of timeline and allowed users to try timeline in advance but why not User Feedback again?
Mark promised on November with his blog post that user response will be given great importance but I never get it why the same mistake is repeated again?
Now lets know the reasons that why can't your remove, undo or delete the timeline view.

1.To Prevent Algorithm Conflict

Things look simple when they look alike. In order to prevent development ambiguity/complexity, all layouts are given same design structure so that it becomes easy to organize the data using the same technique without the need of two different methods for the display and arrangement of the same data on Facebook servers.

2. To Prevent Psychological Confusion

If the option of removing Timeline existed then it would have given rise to great confusion in interface. Facebook users are of different age and are experimented to like simplicity in design and structure. If your friend is running a timeLine and you are running Old Profile, then of course you will find it difficult to understand the updates at his profile due to different organization of data. What is placed at your left is shifted to top and right on timeline. This can discourage users from using Facebook and then can probably look for an alternative simple social media network like Google+.

3. A Challenge to Google+

Google Plus is the new social networking website which was launched just this July by Google Inc. Almost all features in Google+  match that of Facebook accept the introduction of Sparks, Circles and video conferencing. In order to tell its users that Facebook offers much different social touch a step like this was important. I must inform you that Facebook knew about the Google+ development and all its features much before it was launched. Because keeping an eye on your competitor is an important principle of i-marketing.

What do you think?

In short it is hard to believe but once again the new look has been forced upon the users without keeping the community likes and dislikes in Mind. I would love to hear about what else can you share on this latest development and do tell me if you like the new layout or not. Please give reasons why you like it. Hope to see some comfortable new changes in FB's new design. For the time being new creative tricks are been applied to Timeline Covers. Why not Create a Hot Cover for your Profile?
Peace and blessings pals! :)

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  1. Mustafa I wanna ask, I've signed up for the Facebook Timeline.

    My Facebook still doesn't change yet.

    Now, I cannot upload video to my Facebook.

    Does this Timeline App cause the problem?

  2. Well i personally liked the new Design

    I agree with your point that why A huge Community like Facebook do not run a Feedback Campaign

    Majority are disliking this new timeline but i loved it :)
    It Looks very beautiful.
    The main complaint is THE PRIVACY so i think with the passage of time people will know how to set their privacy settings on this new Timeline and than they would like it ........

  3. @TORO
    Agreed toro. Everything looks useful but a little user friendly interface could have been much better

    Your layout will be replaced within 3 days at most. You can still upload videos to facebook as you normally do. Kindly check if your internet connection is at its full speed. Sometimes slow connection interrupts the upload.

    You always welcome new changes no matter how they may be. And this is a unique quality of yours haider. Glad at least you satisfied but I am still looking for a major update on this interface from Facebook developers. I am sure they will offer some new options that could alter the layout somehow.

  4. There is no privacy model for Facebook!
    If there is any It is been created by 'Users' them self's.
    I think So.

  5. Bhai wo hum Urdu mai kehte hai na k Kamyabi k liye Insan ko Halaat k sath badanla chahiye. So i always follow this because i think things never remain same and we should prepare ourselves in advance to face any change in our life either it is personal or a Facebook change :p

  6. @vishnu
    To be a bit optimistic Facebook has changed a lot of things since 2010. More control over security settings and privcay settings are great developemnet that can't be ignored.

    I must admit here that I have started enjoying the new Timelin! :)

    Agreed with that phrase. The only reason that some readers are still not accepting the new timeline is unfamiliarity with its interface and as you said with time they will start loving it too. :>

  7. how to get rid of the f****** timeline and get back to the good old profile looks?

  8. I wouldn't mind it so much if they told you once you clicked on get timeline you couldn't go back. I'd be more than happy to shift over on MY time table, but I just wanted to learn more about it. Now that I pushed the button, there's a 7 day ticking clock until it goes live, and I'm WAY too busy in the next seven days to customize it to show what I want it to show (and not show what I don't). I wish I could just delay until after Christmas or something but NO, you have NO CHOICE.

  9. yer right! great the hell do u place ur friend's, list in alphabetical order on timelime...... gee. some-body let me know at please....

  10. Any way I liked it friend.. :-)

  11. i want to undo tiemline.....!! plz could u help me?

  12. The ONLY solution out there to Remove or Delete the Facebook Timeline:

  13. I think it stinks & would like to be able to UNDO the ne format & go back to the old ... I HATE IT!!!

  14. Honestly I hate the Timeline... I liked the plain look, that's why I joined Facebook and left Myspace to begin with.

  15. Facebook makes different

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. We are really pissed as facebook deleted our facebook page which we had spent loads of time and resources designing it and it was just fantastic. How could they do it without our permission?

    Timeline sucks big time. Why should they change something that is not broken.

    Kasra Design Team

  18. I re-did all my Privacy settings, that wasn't all that difficult. I just don't like the look of the Timeline. It's hard to follow, things jump around.

    So much so that I've made a Google+ profile and will try to gradually migrate over as -- I hope -- more people do the same.

  19. I re-did all my Privacy settings, that wasn't all that difficult. I just don't like the look of the Timeline. It's hard to follow, things jump around.

    So much so that I've made a Google+ profile and will try to gradually migrate over as -- I hope -- more people do the same.

  20. I am not a fan of the new timeline yet, however it is the old dog - new tricks adage.

    I would liken the new change to (maybe not the greatest comparison) re-arranging all the furniture, fixtures, outlets, appliances, etc. in a blind persons home. Sure everything is still there and you can get to it, but it can take a long time to figure it out.
    If you just change 1 room at a time, it is much easier to 1)learn, 2)deal with and also much less stressful and confusing.

    Sure, it may be a little more of a hassle for Facebook, but would be a much easier for the users.

    I for one am losing my patience and interest in it. I seem to be spending less and less time to keep in contact with friends and family while spending more time to keep in contact with Facebook and help forums. If I finally do get it where I am as comfortable as I was with the old way and they change it again, Account will be deleted. Sorry friends and family but I have better things to do.

    Enjoy everyone and may you all be better at this than I am.

  21. I hate it and most people seem to too. It's not just unfamiliarity as someone else suggested. Also I didn't even choose it - it just changed over by itself! I have successfully used the fix from and am back to the old display (I still appear as timeline to everyone else though)It seemed not to work at first but when I closed browser and restarted then it worked.

  22. I feel like FB made a deal with google+ and did this on purpose knowing that people will eventually delete there FB accounts and move to google+ ... If thats not the case then they are just stupid, there gonna loose alot of users to google+ !!!

  23. I hate facebook timeline. I created a website page back in March for one of my website but its default on timeline. However i have seen some pages using old version. I am pissed off. Timeline sucks big time. and it provide settings for all that.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

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