"Three Learning Stages" To Become a Professional Blogger - Part2

blogging learning stagesIn our previous post on skills required to become a successful pro blogger some commented that how is web designing related to the art of content writing. They are linked so tightly together that they are the loops that form the chain required to strengthen your online existence. Development in technology has broken all past records and new tools and gadgets are out in market every second. People are slowly turning their businesses Online. After 9/11 even IBM shifted to cloud computing, which means even they realized the importance of online media for their safety. Different Content Management systems like Joomla, Blogger and Wordpress are spreading like a crazy wave. Those who can afford are switching to Wordpress and those who can not stick to Blogger.  Since you are going to start a profession, that will serve the rapidly increasing internet population with ideas, tutorials, guides and resources, therefore to survive, you need to be extra ordinary in your skills. You must know how to make design changes to your webpage. You need to understand and learn how web hosting works, how data is transferred via ftp and how webpages are structured along with how to market your blog and skills smartly.
Note: These series in no way highlight me as a Pro Blogger. I prefer the title of a peanut blogger and would remain and live so always.
Pro Blogging SERIES

Part1: What skills are needed by a Professional Blogger?

Part2: "Three Learning Stages" To Become a Professional Blogger

Part3: Why Your Blog Makes No Money?

Part4: How Come Web Development is the Key To Become SIX FIGURE Blogger?


Should you Follow Pro Bloggers?

People like Darren Rowse, ZacJohnson and JohncHow are accidental millionaires. You should never take them as role models at initial stages for becoming a successful blogger but do follow them once you reach stage#3. They had started their careers 8-12 years ago when even social networks like Facebook was hatching out and new to the world. The traffic that they have today is due to those Golden days when competition was Zero to what it is today. To be simple and straight, you should follow them once you start earning at least $500 per month. Before this stage, following their tips wont help you a lot. Most of them talk about affiliate marketing and Ebook promotion. You can surely make money out of these two golden tools but first you need to build a repo online.

Blogging Learning Stages:

Duration: 6 Months
Traffic: Zero
At this stage you must learn and apply the following:
  1. Start a blog with blogger.com and never with free wordpress
  2. Choose a Topic that may help you Make Money. You should not start writing on anything you like, only selected niches work wonders for a Blog. You need to be logical in the choice of your Blog Niche. People who often end up blogging career with disappointment are those who don't understand what drives money and what keywords actually mean. This will be discussed in Part-3 of the series
  3. Submit your sitemap to Google, link to Yahoo.
  4. Apply all SEO related tweaks to your template. This will turn you into a SEO. Give great focus to SEO articles published at MBT because we share everything here that would work for any blog, may it be running on wordpress or blogger or typepad.
  5. Do not apply for Adsense! It comes in stage#2
  6. Read tutorials on how to customize your template. This will polish your web designing skills. 
  7. Keep learning and applying HTML and CSS3 tutorials
  8. Never publish a post without having done your keyword Research
  9. Write at least one Post per day of at least 500 words. Adopt the written formatted style of your favourite bloggers. See how they present their ideas with a post and how they format the text to make it appealing.
  10. Always Write on social media no matter what your blog topic may be. Do mention Facebook and Google Plus updates to your readers and keep writing on them when the news is worth sharing. The initial push in traffic depends on social networking sites.
  11. Buy a Custom domain
Duration: After six months of your start. Lasts for Six more months
Traffic: Above 500 daily unique visitors
Now when you have been applying all tips of Stage#1, you qualify for stage#2. Here you should do this:
  1. Apply for AdSense. Add 336 by 280 just below post titles. Enough! Add Text & image/rich media ads. You should not turn your blog into a fish market of ads. This wont increase your revenue, instead would discourage readership. Read next tip..
  2. Give more importance to readership and less to Revenue for at least 1 Year.
  3. Build your twitter, Facebook, Google Plus Fans and most importantly your RSS Subscribers. How? This will be answered in Part-4 of the series
  4. Write Guest posts to build rich backlinks. Give your best shots with your guest posts. win the heart of the admin as well as his readers. There are many sites that accept guest posts. We accept guest posts from loyal subscribers only.
  5. Don't waste time commenting on forums and blogs. Write only quality guest posts to drive PageRank juice and consistent inorganic traffic.
  6. Work on your Alexa Rank. The best tip to improve Alexa is Post Frequency and nothing else. Keep your posts focused on social media to boost Alexa Rank.
  7. Learn how Web Hosting works.
Duration: Stage3 1 year of your start. Lasts forever
Traffic: Above 1000 daily unique visitors
Target: Succeed in receiving 5000 visitors per day the second year of your blogging.
At the point where you succeed in receiving above 1k traffic daily, you then qualify for stage three.
  1. Apply for Banner Ad services like BuySellAds
  2. Don't increase the Ad spot prices when you start seeing sponsors. Maintain a fixed price for at least 20-30 days. Display no more than 12-15 Ad spots per page.
  3. Never Compromise Blog load time for anything. Beauty matters too but use only those widgets that may help your visitors and do not add widgets just for the sake of attractive design.
  4. Share posts based on Affiliate Ads. Learn what is Affiliate Marketing.
  5. You can now confidently Follow Pro Bloggers! Learn their Marketing strategies and apply them.
  6. Increase your post frequency and make sure to increase traffic by 200%. You must now be able to understand what brings traffic.
  7. Choose Topics wisely now and keep fascinating readers with free goodies and resources
  8. Write at fixed time and don't just publish posts randomly at any time you find your post ready. Schedule your posts to a fixed time. This boosts Alexa greatly.
  9. Start valuing every single hour in a day. Work at most 6-8 hours per day.
  10. You sole purpose should be now building readership, maintaining traffic, interacting with readers more and more.
  11. Keep reading on how to Choose Ad spots wisely.
  12. Choose just one Affiliate product and promote it
  13. Subscribe to biggest technology blogs and keep yourself updated with latest developments. Publish a post on biggest headlines always!
  14. Be polite in your tone even if someone tries to pull your legs.
  15. Each day you must see a change in your Alexa Rank, Fan Count, Subscriber count and unique visitors and PageViews.
  16. Always keep an eye on your competitor. If you think he has shared something you have not yet published then do not wait just post on it in your own unique style with more enhancements.
  17. Be unique in your tone, style and strategy. Success will be waiting at your doors to Hug you soon.

Need Help?

If there is anything I could not clearly explain just let me know pals. I tried to be as honest in sharing this valuable information as I could. I have share almost everything that I have learnt so far. Indeed due to lack of time I could not explain some points in detail but I am sure once we publish the remaining parts of this series, you will have a clear picture in mind about how blogging is done and practiced.
Do let me know how much did this post help you in making your minds clear and in guiding you to the straight and correct track. Peace and blessings buddies. :)

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  1. Thank you bro i was waiting for ur post before going to sleep :)

  2. great work Mohammad.
    saif afridi

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. do you really mean to update readers of beauty and fashion blog with facebook and google plus updates?

  5. Wonderful article. Can't wait for the rest to come..

  6. Very informative post and I also waiting for other Parts. Helped a lot. Thanks

  7. Your writing style is awesome. I am a bigg fan of yours.

  8. First and foremost, I think you don't need to write that NOTE in any of your posts :)

    In the first stage you say "never with free wordpress". Can I know why NEVER with wordpress?

    About the Niches I am really really finding a big trouble. The niche I recently adopted, as you said, I am not able to cope with it. I am trying to shift to a niche which interests me more than which I have adopted. Looks like I have wasted too much time :(

  9. @Samsexy that's obvious.wordpress.com does not allow you to modify css, themes, doesn't allow to add plugins nor ads and you dont feel that you have the complete control over your blog whereas in case of blogger, its completely opposite. Wordpress.com is well suited for personal blogs.

  10. Thanks Sir Really Helped as I owns 3 weeks old Blogger's Blog it will really help me regarding improving my services.Yes I try to post at least one post per day.Thanks Waiting For further Updates on this Topic

  11. @Amit
    Ohh... I didn't knew this. I registered on wordpress before and everything was going over my head. Didn't really used it :p

  12. salam....mohamad, can u help me to solve my problem? how to adjust my footer width?norasiyah-yahaya.blogspot.com

  13. wow ...really nice information bro...

  14. By your suggestion i bought a custom domain name and completed all the steps as in your article. Thanks a lot for the info and support! But the only problem is when i type just indiacoupons4all.com it shows my hosting page instead of my actual blog. Putting www is mandatory it seems. Need help from you regarding this. And should i edit my original feed address in feedburner also now that i have changed my domain name?

  15. you are awesome! as always.. this post is what i exactly i have been looking since i has started Blogging.
    I am very much excited about the next part....

  16. Mustufa Sir i have posted a new topic on my blog could you please give me any suggestions


  17. @ndark

    This was an honor to hear! :)

    Yes of course social media should be the Traffic backup for your blog. You must share all your blog updates with your Facebook and Google+ followers. Most welcomed pal.

    @Admin, @Varindar @Nirmal

    Wish you all the best buddies. Do apply them. :)
    Amit is right. But apart from Template editing options, blogger blogs are based on an open source environment. You can turn your free template into an eye catching one. A good design is responsible for 50% of your success online.
    Self hosted wordpress blogs are unbelievably the best blogs available so far but free wordpress templates are dull and ugly in appearance with no option to edit them.

    If you feel your current blog niche is not very interesting then I would reply it comprehensively on coming part. Stay tuned. :)

    I am even big fan of yours now. :)

    No off-topic questions please brother

    You must redirect it. Go To Blogger > Settings >Publishing

    Next to your domain choose Redirect indiacoupons4all.com to www.indiacoupons4all.com

    Though your blog is redirected fine now. I checked it. Keep feed address and everything else as it is. No change required because your blogger RSS address will automatically get redirected. Conggratx for the new domain harsh. :)

    I will make sure I publish that soon buddy. I am glad your found the tips useful. :>

    Thanks for the honor green and I just hope the post proves helpful to you. I hope it may bring a positive change in your life and the rest. Peace pal =)

  18. @Faizan
    I would appreciate if you ask such questions via email buddy. It is off-topic pal. Kindly avoid it.

  19. @Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

    Sir I Tried to contact you via contact us form but it say this service is not available the reason I start posting in comment form.so if I get your email address it will be really help full for me for future conversions

  20. Mohammad you always have some kind of solution for my problem :)
    Will be waiting for the next post.

  21. Thanks buddy .........
    Your tips are amazing and I will try to inculcate it in me and try to make my blog a success .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. Thanks bro :) Waiting for the rest of this series eagerly!

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  24. Salam Mustafa Jana, za sta da blog subscriber yam, aw zama Email crickteri@yahoo.com de taso ta ma khwast kare wo che hagha MONO template mata send ka kho tarausa mata na de melao shwe, lutfan dagha template mata rasend krai. yaw narai manana

  25. @$hubham Meht@

    Yet another with more on the way to spam MBT huh...

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  27. if we apply unknowingly............to adeseen and it rejects it becouse of not much visitors when the blog becomes popular can we send again apply to addesen..........help me.........out email me at psrathore16@gmail.com

  28. Great tips! Actually I'm blogging for 3 years and yet still learning different things especially web designing.

  29. Hi friend,

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  30. @MohamadFAIZAN ALI
    Really i has bring positive change.Best wishes for You Mohamad for this Blog.I am glad to visitor Of MBT.

  31. @author

    Bro the best thing you've is your wonderful and simple language that no all bloggers have. You're amazing! :) and the post is really amazing. I never find this kind of understandable and easy posts anywhere else. :). Thanks a lot and I belive this post series can help me well. :)

  32. VERY nicely written post!

    Just the thing is, you are right in saying that we shouldn't start with free wordpress, but, you should also have specified a time when we should move to a paid one...

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thank you mohammad, very informative, i like your blog dude..... thanks for this information....

  35. Great topic thanks .... barak allaho fik

  36. awesome post and writting skills. i also like your replies.
    I don't forget to read your replies below each post .

  37. Want to get Google Adsense approval for blog or website ??

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  38. I think, there are only two niches successful these days to become "famous" in few months. One is writing tips and tutorials about blogging. Second is providing pirated stuff. All other niches require time to build reputation over internet unless webmasters use some hardcore lame tactics. So, most bloggers indulge themselves in these two more often and that is the reason, at this moment, there are thousands of websites only about how to blog and 1000s others to get the pirated softwares or movies. And when such bloggers start getting 3000 to 5000 pageviews daily, they start considering themselves "successful". Most of the "tips" bloggers just copy contents and ideas from other websites and write in their own words to retain "fake" originality.

  39. Hi,
    this post is a guiding star for me.Some days ago,i started my first blog without any knowledge of blogging or websites (because i belong to accounting profession) then after some days i started 3 new blogs but all are useless.2 days ago i start my new blog after deleting all others with some now how of blogging.today i am reading this post and thinking that shame on me because i was wasting my precious time with those activities whom i have no knowledge.then i decide to learn blogging first from your blog.now i 'll not copy or spin other's content i 'll make my own content.
    You are a Captain and Steward in Blogging ship.
    i want to be a crew-member of your ship.
    i know work is hard but i 'll do all things you have mentioned in this post.
    i want fame not money.
    thanks Author for this superb blog bundle of thanks
