What Skills are Needed By a Professional Blogger? Part-1

skills required by professional bloggerRarely do people share the true secrets behind their fairly established online existence. The word "Blogger" simply defines a person who generates quality content and publishes it online. So anyone who is publishing something new and unique to the online media is called a "Blogger". But how would you define a "Professional Blogger?" In todays tutorial I will share every possible detail linked to six figure earning dream. Everyone loves to Make Money Online but not everyone is applying the correct formula and that's why people often abandon their blogging careers. All details below are based on what I practically experienced during my 3 years of Blogging career, so things shared here are deeply focused to guide how to survive online in this growing world competition. Make 2012 a year to establish your blogging Goals!

Pro Blogging SERIES

Part1: What skills are needed by a Professional Blogger?

Part2: "Three Learning Stages" To Become a Professional Blogger

Part3: Why Your Blog Makes No Money?

Part4: How Come Web Development is the Key To Become SIX FIGURE Blogger?


A Pro Blogger should not just be a fluent writer but he must also build up extra ordinary skills that may help him set up his blog and understand the market demands. Online media is thirsty for skilled people and bloggers are successful only if they posses the skills shared in this series else they will always rely on someone else to do the job for them. Therefore wasting time and money. So lets build some fundamentals!


None of tips shared below are needed if you can afford that the job be done by someone else for you. I am just sharing here skills that can turn you into a skill factory, someone who is above a blogger. Those with such skills, know how to take their little blog to the next level without depending on someone else.

Learn Web Designing  (Must)

If you ask a person pursuing a degree in software engineering or a doing computer science, he would also insist that you must learn things online and not from an institute. That's very true but to some extent. Learning online will take much of your time to develop your skills as compared to learning it from a firm which offers short courses in web designing. It only takes 4 months to become one like us or even better.

What is Web Designing?

Web designing is the art of building webpages from scratch using latest web technology tools and languages. Following are the courses that you must take in order to achieve this goal.

1. Adobe PhotoShop CS5 (Must)

Course Duration: 1 Month

Practice: Lifetime!

Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $50

Online Tutorials: Lynda.com, Youtube and Google

Photoshop is a 2d Image editing software which is widely used in industry as the most effective tool in creating graphic images in formats such as png, jpeg and gif. All those logos, banners, web images that you see on any website are created using this tool. CS5 is its latest version, so you must practice your skills on this latest software to be able to understand how to apply all great effects. Work hard on how to use Gradients, Styles, Brushes and Fonts. 

Photoshop includes a sub-part called  Adobe ImageReady CS5. It is used to create animated images using the gif format. So during learning Photoshop you must ask your Course Teacher how to use ImageReady.

You must practice it daily during your course period by learning tutorials online. There are amazing people out there who shares their creativity daily either on YouTube or their blogs. Google is your best friend in this case.

2. CSS and HTML

Course Duration: 2 Months

Practice: Lifetime!

Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $50

Online Tutorials: HTML   |   CSS

HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language" and CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets". It is a language for describing web pages. Its not a programming language, it uses markup tags. You use HTML to build the Solid skeleton structure of a webpage. And you use CSS to create its layout and style it with colors, fonts, backgrounds, hover effects, alignments, positioning etc.

In short HTML is the skeleton of the webpage and CSS is its Flesh and skin. Without CSS a webpage looks dull and grey.

Note: You must first learn HTML and then learn CSS.


3. Adobe Dream Weaver CS5

Note: I know also suggest Microsoft Web Matrix or Codelobster

Course Duration: Less Than 1 Month

Practice: One Time!

Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $50

Online Tutorials: Google and YouTube


Those who have learnt HTML and CSS, learning Dream weaver would be like eating a piece of cake. Dream Weaver is the heart of Web designers. It is a is a web development application that is used to build creative websites offline.  It's a pretty advanced software which even includes support for server-side scripting languages and frameworks such as PHP, ASP and ColdFusion and Scriptlet (will discuss these languages in Part-2). But you just need to learn how to use this tool in order to effectively apply your HTML and CSS skills here. It does all the work that MBT HTML Editor does but at an extremely easy and advanced level.

You need to create separate promotion web pages for your blog. For instance you can create and design a web page for your ebook promotion or any product you may offer. You can even design your services page using Dream Weaver!


I will publish part 2 tomorrow, which focuses on:

  1. Learn Web Development (Optional)
  2. Start with Google Blogger
  3. Learn SEO
  4. Build Readership
  5. Build Traffic
  6. Earn and Enjoy!

Do let me know if you needed any personal counseling. I would love to help you with problems you may be facing at this moment, no matter what field or country you belong to. Fulfilling all these requirements will turn you into a productive online resource. Whether you start freelancing or blogging, these skills will help you succeed with your online endeavors. Most of you asked how to design Blogger and wordpress templates, you will find answers to all these questions once the series is completed. Peace and blessings pals. :)

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. loved it waiting for next part.

  2. I'll be looking on that Build traffic posts. Just a reply on your closing paragraph that you want to help anyone in any matter, I would love if you could help me build traffic on my blog. Thanks in advance!

  3. @Ahmed @ndark
    I am glad you liked it and I just hope you will practically apply them too. The above post is not just a normal post, it includes things that can cherish you forever buddies.

    I surely would Garcia and you are always welcomed. I have a post for you: 25 Guru Tips to increase Blog Traffic

    The simple way to achieve traffic is: Write several posts epr day to boost traffic

    Hope this helps :)

  4. Great post and great tutorial love this and very informative.Thanks MBT.

  5. Always special topic posted in here. Shukriya, Bhai..

  6. Hello Mustafa can you recommend any books for learning these softwares?

  7. As I am a fast learner I am going for online tutorials.

    I already started playing with Photoshop CS5 and the result I got was my logo.

    HTML and CSS:
    I tried to learn from w3schools before but they just teach tags I suppose. Still I will go through that again.

    Dream Weaver:
    I tried this as well a month ago but didn't suit me may be because of that technical language like server-side scripting and all. But this I think will be needed when you complete the first two steps of Photoshop and HTML CSS.

    Guest Post:
    What happened about my guest post? Is it even approved? Please tell and am I doing a good job on my blog. Just yesterday I managed to crack 2 breaking news on the internet :)

    I think videos will be much better than books.

    Thank You

  8. Nice article Mustafa... :-)

    I'm good in programming... But wanna study more in designing... Waiting for you coming tutorials... Thanks...

  9. @Mustafa bro :

    Salam when i upload a blogger template the following error message is coming please try to help me :((

    screenshot is below



  10. Aslaam Aeylekum !
    Mohammad , I want convert a wordpress them into a blogger template but i don't know how to do that conversion.
    Do you know how to convert a wordpress theme into a blogger template?
    Can you help me ?
    Please Repy !

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. @Hemant Verma Go back the old layout..and everything will be normal

  13. I do not know what will be the role of image editing tools in the success of "BLOGGER" which focused on contents. A professional blogger needs to be the source of information by other bloggers or other people just like you.

  14. Thanks Sir Till Now I Have Learned Photoshop And knows Basics Of Html And CSS But never Used Adobe Dream Weaver,Still i am 16 year old learning the art of Blogging from MBT.MBL is a Great Pakistani Blogging Site to be honest,Thanks Sir Once Again Waiting For Your Next Part Much Appreciated.

  15. @BloggerKid
    If you think that you know more than MBT and Mohammad then why not show by doing something. Mohammad have shown what he is with his so called childish stuff as you say having a PR 4 with around 11K alexa ranking getting tons of visitors daily. Do you think he is just sharing without thinking or experience. Sorry I strongly regret this and I not at all happy with your language.

    If you claim that there is no need to learn photoshop then give reasons, I will appreciate it. You just cannot point a person having 3yrs of experience without giving valid reasons.

    This is a place where people come to learn and I guess many of my fellow bloggers will agree with me.

    Thank You
    Your Dearest

  16. I need a personal counselling for learing seo could you please help me in that!....and your post is just awesome!!!
    Eager for the next post....

  17. Thanks Mustafa for starting a new great tutorial series.

  18. Asalam O Alikum Mustufa Sir i want to just ask how's i am going could please help me what should i do in my blog to make is great check it and please give suggestions check this post which admired by your current post

  19. @Nirmal Kumar
    You can fetch lynda DVD tutorials. Google it.

    Its coorect sam, dreamweaver shpu;d be learnt once you are done with HTMl and CSS. It helps you create webpages before uploading them to your server. And I will surely check my inbox to read your mail. Apologies for being so late with emails these days. Thanks also for responding to views shared by others. :)

    @Mohammad Shakib
    We do it at premier basis. There is only a difference of few php commands and xml commands. Once you learn HTML and php you will be able to do that easily buddy.

    @Manuel Garcia
    You are right buddy. Blogging is sharing about publishing quality content but the same blogger needs the designing skills to give a professional touch to his blog. Nothing is better than being independent. Right now all those bloggers who are established waste a lot of money by paying others to make the slightest adjustment to a blog object or element. All these bloggers often wished that they could know designing. Therefore I am sharing the strong foundation needed by a self-dependent blogger.

    I visited your blog and read the post. Really like your ideas. Well expressed faizan. Wanted to leave you a comment too but due to security captcha, I was not able to post as the comment box did not appeared in full length. Keep going. More power.

    You can always contact me for any help if needed. Always welcomed pal. :)

    Indeed all that I shared above is not a must if you can afford someone to do the job for you. Its all about self-dependency amit. I said the same to @Manuel. Photoshop increases your interest more in your job. It lets you turn your imaginition into a visual reality. Bloggers often need to share nicely edited images to attract the readers more. There is no problem even if you use alternatives to Photoshop. thanks for sharing those alternatives.
    Photoshop looks like a big software but a blogger just needs to learn its basics to be able to graphically develop his blog.
    Dreamweaver is surely optional but those who have learned HTML and CSS can learn it in less than a month than why waste such a brilliant learning opportunity? :)

    you are most welcomed pal. :)

  20. @Bloggerkid
    I wanted to give a polite reply but after reading your second comment I could not. May God guide you brother. This is the least I can say.

  21. @Administrator
    That is the issue this blogger itself. It sometimes happen usually when you are editing your blog on two places because of which occurs conflicts. Try loging in again. If the problem is not sorted out then try the old interface which does the trick for me or else report to blogger.

    Thank You

  22. Thanks Sir For your compliment,and for sure boosting up with lots of confidence and Power,

    Sir i try to contact you via contact us form but it didn't work,:(

  23. thanx for this awesome post,waiting for the second part:)


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. your blog are great...i like it, thanks for sharing many blogger trick...and thanks for sharing this post, i want to be a great & professional blogger just like you...thanks Mohammad, I'm Ari, I'm an Indonesian and I'm a Blogger Indonesia, and nice to meet you...

    Regards Blogger from Indonesia.
    Syahri Ramadhan Wiraasmara (Ari)

  26. @Arup
    Your site neotrikz doesn't load.

    Welcome to MBT :)
    If you need any help just comment on the relevant post and we are there to help :)

    Enjoy your Stay!!!

  27. Sorry Sam my blog address is www.neotrikz.in & i want some tips to improve my blogs.

  28. @Arup Ghosh

    Here are some suggestions:
    1. The formatting you are doing in your articles. It doesn't attract me to read it. Try to highlight important points. For more info. read these two posts. Let Search Engines and Visitors Enjoy Your Blog Posts! – How To? and Customize Heading Tags

    2. As you are having a section for free full version downloads I would suggest you to remove that Amazon stuff. I mean why would people buy if they are getting it for free. The amazon ads mostly show me to buy antivirus and other softwares.

    3. Use anchor text instead of writing whole links.

    That's it by me. Other Technical stuff, if any will be commented by Mohammad as soon as he gets free.

    Hope this helps :)

    Thank You

  29. Mohammad my comment to Arup I think has gone to spam. Please check it.

  30. @Sam SexyThank u very much bro. I was struggling last few months

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. everything is fine but don't you think blogging is becoming risky day by day because of the Panda effect by Google even on big sites? Im aware that Panda hits only spam sites. But why even big sites complain they also hit and almost 90% of traffic dropped?

  34. I am a newbie and this post is very useful for me, I learned alot from your blog. thank you, greetings from Indonesia

  35. Hi Mohammed, i sincerely appreciate all the information you dish out on your blog. Infact am now a habitual visitor to your blog. PLEASE, PLEASE AND PLEASE, I want to be able to design a blog as beautiful as yours. i've been able to design a drop down menu. Thanks to your tips. I also want to design a header background as beautiful as yours but without a clue. Please help me out.


    email- stvicsakonobi@yahoo.com

  36. Thank you for such a nice post, And I was waiting a for the post like this.
    Thank You.

  37. Sir I am studying in 11th science and I love web designing so i want to learn all this things , When I shud start learning this languages?? Some are saying I can learn in college also , Should I wait for college??? PLz help me . I started blogging in 8th std but you can understand it was not effective , but now I can see my future in this. I want to have a B.tech degree , so till college shud i learn anything or just sit ??????
    reply soon .
    Plz reply me on my mail : techtricksmania@gmail.com

  38. hi sir I am mohit I just want to ask you if I have to be a SEO consultant what should I do so that I get to know all about SEO tactics. More over you told we should start our blog in blogger but in blogger we can't do web developing so, should we choose wordpress as a platform. Kindly let me know your valuable suggestions as soon as possible.

  39. i am kalyan from hyderabad running a blog www.hdwalle.com and with low traffic and low adsense earning can you help me..reply me soon,,,

  40. Great post, need to hire a personal tutor like you.

  41. I am a Big fan of yours... Thanks Buddy...!
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  42. Wonderful information, Mohammad bhai.

    Thanks for sharing with us...

    May god bless you.
