How To Transfer Domain Name To HostGator For Free?

hostgator free domain name transferI will be sharing today PART#3 of our series on becoming a webmaster. You all know well what a domain is. It is simply the URL address that tells the browser where your server is located. It is the key to your blog. BlogSpot users often purchase domain from Blogger's recommended registrars like Godaddy. Some even purchase domains from local hosts. No matter where you domain is hosted, a good news is that luckily HostGator doesn't charge you for domain name transfers. You don't need to pay $20 or above for domain transfer, you can transfer it for free along with free technical support of the staff. Amazingly any domain transferred to HostGator is automatically renewed for an additional year for free! Today we will discuss the step by step procedure to correctly and safely transfer your domain from your current registrar to HostGator. But first make sure that you have already bought a hosting plan for your blog. Please read PART#2 of the tutorial below if you have not yet made the decision.


You may also read PART#1

Domain Transfer Guide

Note: Do not panic by seeing so much details listed below. :> I have elaborated and exaggerated simple three steps so that every single important information is discussed in detail.

Steps To Follow After Purchasing a Hosting Plan

HostGator will Email you all details of your account. You will have a secret Cpanel address, a username and a password. Keep this email in a safe place or folder inside your inbox. Note that if your Domain is very new and not even 2 months old then you can not transfer it. Domain names that are older than 2 months can be transferred.

After you have successfully created an account then follow these steps:

  1. Go To HostGator Domain Transfer
  2. Read the information there carefully and I will highlight important areas here

1. Make sure the WhoIs information is up-to-date.
2. Make sure you have access to the email address stated in the WhoIs Information.
3. Update name servers to the HostGator name servers prior to initiating transfer.
4. Unlock the domain.
5. Retrieve the EPP Authorization key from your current registrar.
6. Fill out the HostGator domain transfer form.
7. Please ensure that the domain is at least 60 days old.
8. This process can take up to 7 days, so please allow plenty of time for your previous registrar to approve the transfer.

The 3rd, 4thand 5th point is very important. I did not observed the step 3 while making the transfer therefore it took me around 8 days instead of 3-5 days. All these steps are extremely easy, this is what you need to do.

Update your WhoIS information:

This means that you may log into your current register account and see that it contains your primary email address that you used for HostGator while signing up.

Update the Name Servers To HostGator:

This means that you need to set DNS settings for your account. DNS can easily be set by following these easy steps:

Tip: We will follow the same tutorial here on DNS settings

  • In your Cpanel Click on Advanced DNS Zone Editor

HostGator DNS ZONE

  • You will see a form with few blank fields and an option list. We will create juts 1 CNAME record but 4 A Records.

For creating CNAME do this:

  1. Inside Name write www  which will be automatically replaced with your Domain URL
  2. Inside TTL write 14400
  3. Set Type to CNAME
  4. Inside address write
  5. Click on Add Record
  6. Done!

For Creating A Record do this:

  1. Inside Name enter your naked domain name such as without the www
  2. Inside TTL write 14400
  3. Set Type to A
  4. Inside address write this I.P address
  5. Click Add Record

Repeat the process  three times and in step#3 enter for the following I.P addresses respectively:


      6.   Done!

Unlock The Domain

We often hide our personal data in WhoIs like Email address and mailing address in order to avoid spam. But you will have to remove all security checks for the domain from your Domain Control panel. Go back to your current Domain account and remove and deactivate any security settings that you may have applied. This is called Domain Unlocking.

Retrieve the EPP Authorization key

EPP authorization key is a secret code that you will need to create using Domain Transfer Tool on your current Registrar account. This code will give rights and permission to HostGator to start the domain Transfer process. Search inside your dashboard for terms such as "Domain transfer" "Transfer Domain Tool" or " EPP Authorization code" "EPP key" etc. You just need to click a button to generate this code.


Finally Fill up the form

Now you can confidently fill up the form on HostGator Domain Transfer Page.

Domain Transfer form

Your primary HostGator Domain is the Domain address you wish to transfer i.e. Your Website URL.

Domain you wish to transfer is of course your Website URL

Submit your EPP Authorization Key

Set automatic invoicing as YES. They will update you weeks before when your Web hosting reaches its expiry date so that you could renew before time.

Click Submit and you can now sit and relax!

Accept the Domain Transfer Email

Please keep checking your Inbox for any Email you may receive. Your Registrar or HostGator can contact you to verify that you are the real owner of the Domain.

How Long will it take? Will it effect your traffic?

It will take at most a week. So be patient. Your traffic will not be disturbed because it can continue as normal. Whatever transfer settings that may occur at the background wont effect your incoming traffic in any way. Our Blog went down for 24 hours because we had forgotten setting the DNS settings which I have now clearly explained under Name Servers headline so that your transfer may occur as smoothly as possible. During this time keep bugging the agents and enquire about the status of the Transfer. They never mind :>

Enjoy a Free One Year Domain Hosting

Upon the transfer HostGator automatically renews your domain for 1 additional year as a welcome gift from them. This is one reason why I call them crazy!

Need Help?

Do let me know if you needed any consultancy or free help. You are most welcomed to bug me with as many questions as possible. Would be a pleasure to help you with a safe and secure transfer. Peace and blessings pals. :)

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  1. thanks mohammed

    if i transfered my domain to them will it have a year even if i did not purchased anything from them

    and thanks please if you can post more than a post then do please
    you also said that this boost your traffic and thanks

  2. @Ahmed

    The one free year domain hosting applies only when you have purchased a Hatchling or Baby plan. Why would they offer it for free when you haven't bought anything pal? :)

    Buddy I could not understand the part of your question on Traffic. Kindly explain it a bit so that I could help.
    Always welcomed. :)

  3. Great tutorial very simple and useful always bookmark this awesome post. Thanks

  4. what are the benefits of self hosted domain? it can boost traffic or it has a tools to optimize dynamically your blog...thanks for the info buddy

  5. Thanks, we have been long contemplating to undertake the change. Your detailed post has given us all the reasons to go ahead and execute. Is there any time period for which domain will be down during transfer process.

  6. it seems like easy steps

  7. Plz help me, after changing bullet style on my blog white background is not seen check this on my blog.sorry for posting this
    problem again since u didnt answer it on ur other blog. please reply soon. Thank you !!

  8. the traffic that i meaned is publish several posts per day to boost your traffic i remember that it was a title for a post

    so please publish more than a post and your traffic will increase

    i cant wait for all the posts

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The Epp code or authorization code is very necessary every where u want to transfer the domain name!

  11. The above link by androidsoft has been reported to contain malicious content, viruses & spam by Web of Trust (WOT). Please proceed at your own risk.

    Mohammad please remove this as its being spread all over MBT.

    Thank You

  12. HI, Sir, Do You know that I bought my domain from Hostmantis in 9.95$, and soon shall purchase an hosting plan from Hostmantis only in 24.88 per year and if you validate a coupon code of 50% then this price becomes 11.94, it means that my hosting costs only in 11.94$ how's the price dear sir, is not it crazy service, and a good news that they will set up the settings required for use domain on and subdomains on cPanel... just I would like to ask you that is this service is okay for me or not?

  13. Great post thanks for share this great tutorial...

  14. Thanks for Sharing Knowledgeable should be very helpful.
    learn how to hack

  15. @Jonel Mirasol

    Benefits of self hosted domains are limited compared to self web hosting. This is part#3 of the series. You will find your answer here in part1 and part2. Kindly refer them pal.

    The domain transfer as I said wont effect your site. It wont go down even for a second. Everything will take place automatically at the background. The visitors wont even feel any difference.

    Please avoid off-topic questions. You have removed the wrapper tag. email me your template, I will correct it as soon I am free.

    I got it brother. I have aleady published tutorials on them which you can search using the search box. Else I will share some more detailed tips on this category.

    I will recommend that you first add it to your test blog and then apply it to your blog. Remove the Jquery code if you already have added it in your blog before

    @Mairaj Pirzada
    As I earlier replied, you can get the same resources at a much cheaper price but HostGator is recommended largely for its great customer service. You may proceed towards it. No problems if you think their customer service is quick at replying. :)

    I will delete all such links. Thanks sam for informing.

  16. Ok, so Thank You so much for Replying, I understood, and Their Customer Service is also amazingly great..

  17. i have mailed u and sorry for asking offtopic question i will avoid it in future and plz reply soon thank you !

    1. I will check it buddy if I forgot to reply within next 24 hours please send me a reminder

  18. Hello :)
    I have a doubt in buying a domain. Now my blog's URL is and i have a page

    Now if i buy a domain , will the page's URL be automatically be changed to ??I have posted many links with blogspot domain. will it be automatically be redirected to new domain name ?

    1. Yes ofcourse. Only will be replaced in all your links and they will all work just perfect but with a new branded name.

      Your URL

      will become


  20. Hello Mehmood i see your blog done a great Job...i want to known some thing about create a new website from hostgator ..but i want to create share content website like


    in that both website people share content but i like the 1st one ...cos that website can,t gave back link to any other website,thats why his ranking is very much high in Google search engine.
    i hope you will be send me positive reply

    Thank you.

  21. Nice tutorial. Host gator really awesome hosting platform. Thanks!

    Visit: ,

  22. Hi Mustafa, I want to transfer my domain to Hostgator from Network Solutions. But When I create A Records without (www) it unable me to create and an error appeared "Provide a Host name for the entered IP Address".

    See the image: (

    Please Help Me!

  23. thanks help me to seo my blog

  24. So you are able to host your blog on hostgator, but are able to still run your blog using blogger? I was told by a customer service rep at hostgator that you can't do that.

  25. I am not having major domain on . Can i transfer domain for free?

  26. Hi, i registered my blogger site from Godaddy about one year ago. I created two users for the domain i purchased. I got adsense approval with one of the domain user accounts.

    If i transfer domain to Hostgator, can i still login into my adsense account using my domain user acount mail ID (

    Can i transfer my adsense account to another Gmail account?

    Please help me ....

  27. AOA Admin , Hope you doing well, i have some questions and desperately want the answers!
    1- I still did not understand the difference that why you transferred to Hostgator? I mean before transferring Same DNS settings you applied m i right?
    2- Suppose if we transfer to hostgator and redirect our blog to Hostgator account, and then we create new Page like and we got Thousands of unique page views per day, then hostgator's server will go down?? for baby plan, because its not VPS or Dedicated? Thanks!
    Waiting for your reply!
