35 Guru Tips To Make Your Blog Popular!

35 Guru Tips To Make Your Blog Popular!It is true that the decisions you take in a business initially, decide the future of the entire set up. Talking about blogging specifically, there are certain tips that you must know, understanding their significance in boosting your blog’s popularity. It is obvious that once you plan to be a blogger, you look forward to a huge traffic following you along with a considerably great revenue been generated. However, what makes your blog a hit is your attitude towards adopting the basic requirements of this domain. The Tips might differ person to person, but after researching for days and days about what were the magic ingredients that professional bloggers added in their blogs that are earning in Billions today, Here is a list of 35 Must follow tips that you need to add in your blogging career.

1) Attractive Blog Name

Choose an eye-catching blog name that makes sense enough to let people know about your domain and follow it.

2) Blog Layout

The better the blog layout would be, the more traffic it would attract. Keep background colors light, giving it a decent look? Make things easier to understand for your readers.

3) An Exclusive Logo

You have chosen blogging as your business, right? You need to have an exclusive logo that will become your blog’s identity.

4) Post Regularly

Good Blogs show regularity in posting their articles. This keeps your visitor attached to you and ensures consistent traffic.

5) Share Quality Content

There are thousands of sites having same niche as yours, what makes you better than them is the quality content. Give your writing, your own shade with an interesting touch.

6) Post Length

what is the ideal post lengthAn ideal length of a post is in between 700- 1500 words, depending on the nature of post. Do not write lesser than 700, as Google penalize blogs for that severely. The post can be as long as you wish to, but lengthy posts make readers lose their interest in it.

7) Choose a Good Intro Image

An effective, self-explanatory image is essential for your post to become a hit. Choose high quality, relevant images.

8) Your own Screenshots Only

Many bloggers copy paste images in tutorial posts, which is a disaster thing to do. Always use your own screenshots while telling your viewers how to do something. This increases your credibility.

9) Recheck Your post

Being a human, it’s natural to make mistakes while typing. Check your articles before publishing for grammatical and spelling mistakes. This is what we call proofreading.

10) Easy navigation

Keep your blog simple for your visitors, providing them a simple navigation on your blog.

11) Show Your Creativity

Having many blogs in same niche, you need to add your creativity in your articles so that it takes you a level ahead than other bloggers.

12) Keep your Readers Involved

It is interrelated to point 11, the more creative you’d be, and the more interest your readers would show in your articles, decreasing the bounce rate of your blog.

13) Interact with your Readers

Keep a check of all the comments made by your visitors. Appreciate them for staying connected and answer their queries, if any.

14) Comment on other blogs

It’s no more a matter of prestige; you need to mingle well within other social circles to increase your traffic. Visit different blogs and tell on that platform about your existence.

15) Get Advertisements

In order to survive, getting advertisements is necessary. Use Google adwords to earn via pay per click advertising options.

16) List posts

This is what we have been doing on SEM, create list posts, it brings huge traffic!

17) Contests

Value your readers always. Start contests, polls and such activities on your blog to keep your readers active.

18) RSS feeds

rssAlways give an option on your blog to get subscribed via mails. People who are busy to visit your blog daily, can subscribe for its RSS feeds and can still stay connected.

19) Newsletter

Issue monthly newspapers to your visitors; sharing all the latest happenings on the blog with them.

20) Write SEO Friendly Content

Researching on how to write a SEO friendly article can really help in making your blog popular.

21) Make Your Blog your Identity

I’m sure all of you are well aware of e-mail signature. Write your blog name and url of your blog in email signatures.

22) Correct Your Fellow Bloggers

Be a good observer on different blogs and let the owner know about any mistake or error that might occur on a blog. Keep your tone polite and do not try to act smart.

23) Share on Facebook

Sharing your posts on Facebook Groups and Pages can make your posts, a hit. 

24) Share it on Twitter

Twitter is a great social networking site to attract traffic from western countries. Majority of the users are from west and publicizing your post in twitter can attract those users to become your readers.

25) Allow Links in Comments

The real bloggers have actually got no interest in coming to your blog all the way and read your articles only out of good will. In fact, they are themselves looking for opportunities on your blog to introduce their work. Allowing bloggers to leave their links in their comments will give them a reason to come to your blog again and again, increasing your traffic.

26) Maintain decency

It is a pity that sometimes bloggers fail badly to respect their profession and use their blog more than an informative platform and use it unethically. As a blogger, you need to earn some respect through the way you address your readers, and its only then that people actually start respecting your blog.

27)Use Keywords

Using keywords in your posts keeps you and Search engines happy at the same time. Always try to play with keywords of the post to get more page views, further increasing your earnings.

28) Give Value to your Headlines

Your selection for titles of the post is the most important thing when it comes to your creativity. This was one of those things that I used to find really difficult, initially. Your readers Judge the entire post with the title; always try to keep simple and straight forward titles.

29) Keep Updating the Blog

If you aim high for your blog and do not want it to become outdated just like iGoogle, then keep upgrading it to ensure that your blog meets up the changing demands of readers. Changing blog design once in six months can also be a good decision.

30) Keep Drafts ready

As a blogger its your responsibility to ensure the regular posting on your blog. However as blogging is an entrepreneurship business, where you are answerable to nobody, there are wide chances that you might skip your postings due to some other engagements. Therefore keep your 5 posts saved in drafts at minimum always. Make sure that the posts you choose to save as drafts have a timeless effect in them, the posts that can be published in all scenarios, like How-to posts, Best tips, etc.

31) Easy to read Fonts.

Blogs owning a lucida Handwriting font might give it an unprofessional look for sure. Keep your Font style and size readable for your readers.

32) Give a strong competition

There is always an unsaid war going on in between you and bloggers, writing for same niche. Try to give a tough time to them with your skills that are needed to be polished further with your each post!

33) Set an Inspiration

Having an inspiration in life is really a motivating thing and if you have no ideal personalities, then better start searching them. Reading about great people, here, blogs will always create a feeling to follow similar footsteps to reach on similar levels of success.

34) Be Yourself

This tip is given by almost all the bloggers who share tutorials on similar topics, that is the reason; I have listed this too common tip here. Being yourself mean that you should never place a wrong impact on your readers about either you or your knowledge. Become the master of your domain and do not fake about things you hardly know!

35) Never Give Up

Your one post cannot decide about your efficiency, it is just like some days are not meant for you. As a blogger, I m a living witness of it! What happen actually is the frequency of your readers and yours do not match at times; your readers, having a complete freedom of speech do not think once giving you a bad comment. But this is the point you need to check your post views. The post itself made it in attracting enough traffic that few of them dislike it. Although that feeling is pathetic, still keep your spirits high and start working on the next post, hoping to have some better results. You will see, soon things will start working out.
That was all for now, hope that these tips turn out to beneficial for you in your blogging career.

Best Wishes,

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  1. Another great post nida.

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  2. Again Nice tutorail Keep it up.. realy usefull for me.. atleast :)
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  3. @ Ahmed
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