Newer, Older, Home Links Not Visible In Blogger

Blogger Links InvisibleFor the past few months I received several complains from readers that the templates I designed are having problem in displaying the the newer posts, older posts and home Links. I have the exact same coding on my current template and I never faced any error in display and these links show up just fine. The only problem that caused these links to disappear was not linked to browsers but to the CSS coding itself. I have fixed and solved this problem on all MBT Templates and they now show Older, Newer  and Home buttons just perfect. Kindly follow the steps below to solve this problem.

How To Make Newer, Older and Home Links Visible?

Simply do this,

  1. Go To Blogger> Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup Your Template
  3. Search For this code by pressing Ctrl+F,

#blog-pager-newer-link {
    float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
    float: right;
#blog-pager {
    text-align: center;


   4.   And replace it with this code,

#blog-pager-newer-link {
    float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
    float: right;
#blog-pager {
    text-align: center;


  5.    View Your template now to see Links or buttons appearing just below Post Body.

That's All! :)

To Download Buttons For These Links Kindly try these,

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. not working please tell me the solution

  2. Did you find the CSS code?
    What's your Blog URL?

  3. thank you so so so much mohammad..

  4. @Jeet
    I am glad your problem finally solved buddy. :>

  5. Thank you so much for posting this. I was having a hard time finding someone with the same problem. I'm still having a problem though. This worked for my home button, but my newer/older links still aren't showing up. Any ideas?

    It's for a blog I'm designing for my sister. Here is the link:, just in case you want to check out the html.

  6. thanks for the code.. Use page navi instant of newer post older post button :)

  7. how to make a scrolling bar with google ads like in

  8. @Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

    The above code existed, still i replaced with the one which you gave me. But no change dear, so confused....if you want i will send you template as attachment.

  9. @hetal

    Oh then kindly send me your template. I will try to solve the problem within two days of receiving the mail.

  10. Assalamu Alaikum

    Brother Mohammed.,

    Thanks for the script, but unfortunately its not working for me.

    my url is ""

    Your help will be highly appreciated.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Mohammad,
    I;m facing the problem whereby the main page of my blog did not show the links for 'new/home/older posts'. These can only be shown when I clicked on a particular post. Didn't know how to edit HTML. Could you kindly help me with this?
    Thanks so much!

    Blog link:


  13. Ok. Ive been editting more than 4 days already, after i read this tutorial... all of my problems solved! your tutorial does help me a lots Mr Mohamad...

    Thanks you. I might be creating a post to give credit to you soon! hehe. thanks. =)

    Salam Alaik!

  14. Mohammad,recently i have created a blog called

    My home page and lebel pages does not show the older posts link,i tried all your tricks but have not worked,Please help me if you want my template to send you then i will send it.

    Give me address where i have to send my templates

  15. @Hetal Patil Rawat


    I have the same problem with Hetal.

    Newerpost Home Elderpost not show in postpage. Help! Thank You!


  16. Thank you very Much Mohammad Brother.

  17. its not working bro plz plz plz help me

  18. Hi Mohammad,

    Im unable to view my older/newer footer on my blog only "home" is visible. I have tried everything possible you have suggested but no luck... Any chance you could help me out?

  19. hi mohammed my name is munessali
    in my blog i can't see "<data:post:body and read more button my blog site is plz help me
