How To Submit & Share Your AdSense Story To Google?

Google AdSense Success Story
Google AdSense is still perhaps the largest, and most popular advertising network that helps publishers and webmasters earn from their productions. Most webmasters start off their website monetization with Google AdSense, and many continue using it along with other networks. For some, Google AdSense might have lost its charm, because of the sheer size of publishers now using the network which has brought the CPC (Cost Per Click) down. But for some, Google AdSense still holds its value, and accounts for a major portion of their income. If you are one of these lucky few, then you can share your success story with the world and get recognition for it!

Why Google AdSense is important....still?

Google AdSense has been around for about a decade, and has offered much by way of features. Originally, it was available to very few who passed the Google quality guidelines. And at that time, income from Google AdSense was substantial - so much so that publishers didn't have to look for alternative networks.

Now though, a lot more publishers have started using Google AdSense. And by 'a lot', I mean a humongous amount - hundreds of thousands, possibly millions. As a result, the payout has decreased, since the competition for advertisers has increased. So while previously it was a matter of who has AdSense approved, now it's more a matter of who actually earns a decent income from it. And earning a decent income from Google AdSense these days means you have something useful to show to the world!

Google AdSense Success Story

So, do you earn a decent income from Google AdSense? And by decent, I don't mean a six-figure income (although that'd be cool :D). It could be $500 per month, or even half of that, as long as the story is effective. If your AdSense income has allowed you to quit your regular job, then you're automatically eligible!

An AdSense 'Success Story' is all about how AdSense has impacted your business and/or personal life, and how has it helped you expand your business.

Sharing an AdSense Success Story

If you want to share your AdSense Success Story, then you can submit it here.

Enter your details such as name, website, etc, and then tell Google about how AdSense has impacted your life or business. This is the part where it all counts, so make sure you make it inspirational!

What's in it for me?

I'm glad you asked. Success Stories, when picked up by Google, can really put you in the pole position against your competitors. First of all, your success stories might be featured on the two dedicated Google pages listed below.
Besides a listing on these high-authority sites, you might also get a Google+ post, or YouTube video from Google itself! And all of these scenarios will generate rich backlinks for your business. Besides, you can only imagine the referral traffic driven from these mentions. It'll also give you the commanding position over your competitors, since you'll be getting official recognition from Google, and your sponsors, advertisers, clients, etc. will all favour you over them.

So, do you have a winner story? Don't let go of this opportunity to scoop up high authority backlinks, and recognition. Submit and share your Success Story now, and be amazed! Cheers :)

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  1. hay freand.. i want question..
    i,m a new publisher google adsense..
    can you tell me tips and trik ,,how to get earning maksimal in google adsense..
    plisss tell me,,

    1. hello if really want to increase your adsense earnings you should be do the hard work and patience...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I am in huge problem.. plz tell me what to do.. i changed the permalinks of my posts and now webmaster is showing too many crawl errors. my traffic is down..
