Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

show more than 3 ad units This is a quick notice to all our readers who have been noticing more than three ad units on our blog and started doing a research on their own and applied methods that are strictly forbidden. Only selected publishers are allowed to display more than 3 ad units per page. We became Premium Adsense publisher just last month. MBT and all blogs under its network can now display as many ad units as required. Premium publishers are given privileges of both direct telephonic and Email correspondence. We receive suggestions related to ad placements directly from an appointed Google agent via telephone and email. All of you are requested to kindly not experiment on your own by reading articles online and making wrong use of Ad management services like Google's DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) or third party services like LakeQuincy.  In today's post we feel it's our responsibility to  inform you all and educate you with Google Adsense Terms of Services.

Can you Display More Than 3 Content Ad units?

You can display as many ads as you want once you cross a certain earning threshold and become Google's loyal and trusted publisher by winning the title of premium Ad publisher. But if you have not received any call from Adsense team with a message of Congratulations right on your Mobile phone then you better wait for it and avoid following wrong shortcuts from wrong people.

What are the wrong ways?

You will find a lot of debate on forums and blogs about whether or not services like DFP which enables you to display more than three Ad units are legal or not. DFP belongs to Google and DoubleClick offers a complete advertising revenue engine for end-to-end control and efficiency. Whether it may be DFP or DoubleClick Ad Exchange, all these tools help you to manage inventory across direct and indirect sales and make efficient use of every single impression. This services is largely recommend for those direct advertisers and publishers who want to control the Ads at advance level. Again this service is aimed for premium publishers who want to play with the numbers, sizes and formatting of Ad units and blend them more with their website design. Its not all intended for new publishers who are earning on average $100-$200 per month.
Third part services like LakeQuincy make use of algorithms provided at DFP and offer their own ad management control panel. Again these services should be used unless you have worked well enough with Google and receive advices, feedback and suggestions straight from agents.
Another method which is now banned by Adsense was the use of Iframes. Since each Iframe is a new window so publishers would often divide their page into different sections of iframes where each frame could display 3 ad units. This was the pop-up tradition which is now in complete violation of AdSense's TOS.

Official AdSense Terms of Services

TOS documents are often long and written in court Law book style, but if you would like to go through the TOS for understanding clearly every section of the document then we strongly suggest you do so. Please read the Official TOS here

Follow AdSense Blog

To keep your self updated with latest news and developments and interesting stories please keep a close watch on Adsense Blog Posts

Misleading Ad placements

Please follow these links to learn in detail which ad placements are in direct violation of their terms:
  1. Encouraging accidental clicks
  2. Formatting content to mimic ads
  3. Aligning images with ads
  4. Placing ads under a misleading heading
  5. Placing ads to make it difficult to distinguish ads and content
  6. Ads in a software application
  7. Ads in emails
  8. Ads on pages behind a login
For more details please visit Ad implementation policies

Adsense Optimization Tips

Please watch the following video for a quick startup guide for improving the performance of all your ad units and making some extra cash out of it by applying the correct tactics:

Your views?

I had planned another post for today but then thought that informing you all with this topic was important. Please remember that you can display only three AdSense for content units on one web page. you can also place a maximum of three link units and two search boxes on each page. These Ad limits per page are for new users only but as soon as you cross the earning threshold and become a premium publisher you can then request for special changes without hesitation. Please let me know what other ways do you know which helps to display content ads greater than 3 per page. Do share your stories. Peace and blessings pals! :)
See also;

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  1. Thanks for sharing this information, may God bless u!!!

  2. I added DFP and i think it is good. Just clear one point that is it LEGAL ?

  3. Because i have attached DFP with Adsense which means it is showing my Adsense Ads ....

  4. Wonder how much per month is the threshold..hmm..By the way this is a good post.

  5. Thanks For Fast Update

    MBT-Is Best Blogger Updates

  6. Mohammad, good to see ur exams are overr bro. I am in deep trouble now. I used to get few dollars a day which suddenly changed into few cents for past two months. I am very sad and helpless. I thought it would change back. Very low earnings for twice the visits as earlier. Please help me bro. I am willing to giv u my password if necessary.

  7. der ala post de.. Manana la sharing na..

  8. Dear Mustafa bro,i have a qusetion. i have seen a blog in which there are 3 column but when you will open any POST , the column number changes to 2, which creat a big space for the POST . you can see that template in the website www.odishajobs.in .please POST AN ARTICLE on your blog on this topic.How we can do this in our blog..please tell me from where we can get this type of template

  9. i got my answer. Actually this is my Bad Habit that whenever i see something unique and new on any other blog, i suddenly start researching on it :P

    DFP is great but only if we want to compete with 3rd party advertisers. We can use it for only 4th ad unit purpose ......

    Well Mustafa Bhai from deeper my Heart i congrats you on this achievement. This is a BIG BIG BIG BIG achievement ..... May Allah give you more. BLESSES !

  10. So what do you think is the earning threshold?

  11. Thankyou soo much for a unique post and congratulations bro for Adsense Premium Publisher ..

  12. Congratulations again on becoming premium publisher dude.

  13. Mohammad, are you watching your one and a half year old posts. I just commented on that.. lol...

    Just got the old memories back.
    Btw congrats MBT for getting Premium Adsense publisher tag.

  14. Thanks everyone for the kind wishes and there are two more surprises on their way. So stay tuned for that. :))

    Unfortunately We don't have the permission to share the earning threshold nor have the right to share the suggestions given by AdSense Advisory Council. Earning threshold has its own scaled criteria, it is dependent mainly on your page CTR and page RPM and largely on average page impressions from all services put together like Content, Search and Feed.

    @syedshah @bloggertools @vijay @srinath, @yahya
    Thanks for the kind feedback pals and sooner or later you guys are next :>

    Any service which comes under the umbrella of Google can not violate the terms of another service. Adsense being the major source of earning for Google have strict policies. DFP though being offered by them but it can not be used to violate the Ad limit per page.

    Well thank you for that Big Big kind wishes. Means a lot captain. :)

    Don't worry pal. Email me with this subject: "Consultation: Ayush Chand"

    shukrun orora :)

    Thanks bro, means a lot :)

    Dude I just commented there. Check that. ;) And thank you as always!

  15. :( :( ..Plz reply me bro...i posted that again but you didn't reply...so posting it here..

    "Oh i uploaded that with Imageshack..may be some prob...now i have uploaded it with tinypic.. hope you'll be able to see it.. :-)

    Direct url of image : http://i49.tinypic.com/2s5xpig.jpg

    If you still unable to see the pic..let me explain it further...Just google search "Trust me i am an engineer"...its one facebook page...in search result you will see some additional link below it like photos,posts by others etc etc...

    And i want the same for my blog also...simply i want..whenever someone search "Fun Inventors" he/she gets more results just after my description... :-)

    Help me in both cases...same thing...one for blog other for facebook page :-) "

  16. Concrats . .
    Thanx for sharing the info.
    God bless you Bro

  17. Great Post

  18. @admin

    I understood your query now. First of all it is not a problem at all buddy. The format of search results likes site links, post description and the links that you pointed can not be controlled on our behalf. Google picks it automatically whenever it feels like the extra data could be useful to users. There is no SEO way to configure the display of results except few that you already know like Meta description and Post title and permalink.

  19. I am confused with what content unit and link units should look like... Please what is the difference between the two ad units.


  20. @shan

    The word lie is too strong so kindly avoid using it again for anyone pal. That does not suit you or anyone.

    About the premium Adsense publisher thing your brother needs a little clarification. Cnet and about.com work on a complete different Ad privileges along DFP they are corporate sites that receive over millions of page-views per day so they are far above then just Premium publishers.

    A premium publisher is anyone who reaches a fixed AdSense threshold, after which he receives personal consultation from a Google agent. He receives calls, personal help, advices and a lot more privileges. He can apply for DFP with great customer support and can ask a dedicated agent for any help he wants on a fixed consultation schedule. This is what that defines a premium publisher. I hope I have cleared myself enough.

  21. @Shan King Khan

    Also read this post by darren rowse Who is a Premium publisher

    Do you know any normal publisher displaying 4 ads and receiving calls from Google?

    Please avoid the word "lie" , its against blogging ethics. The dictionary has far better synonyms.

  22. Great work sir, I learnt that Adsense premium publishers are those having more than 20m pageviews daily. How is this true?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.
