Add Facebook Like and Send Button To Blogger Blogs

FACEBOOK-LIKE-AND-SEND-BUTTONIn our previous post we learned how to add Facebook Send button to blogger but just recently Facebook combined the Like and send button into a single plugin, making it more easy to add both the buttons with a single code. Further the like button is equipped with an additional comment functionality i.e. The visitors can comment on what they liked just under the button. Lets add this beautiful plugin to blogger.

Add The Facebook Like and Send Button To Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML

  2. Backup your template

  3. Click Expand widgets templates box

  4. Search for <data:post.body/>

  5. and now if you wish to add the plugin just below your post titles then add the giant code below just above <data:post.body/> or if you wish that the plugin may appear at the end of your posts then paste the following code just below <data:post.body/>


<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>


  6.  Hit save and you are done!

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  1. @Felix

    You are most welcomed pal. Kindly read this post to add the +1 button,
    Add the +1 button to Blogger

  2. Dude how to add the facebook like " box " like yours, below the posts like you have done..

    please help

  3. @Hassam

    Coincidentally that is included in my next posts. I was going to write a tut on it. thanks for reminding. :>

  4. Hi, this works fine but, the two buttons are at the bottom of my post, how can I get them at the top?

  5. @anony

    add the same code above <data:post.body/>

  6. I used this but I'm not seeing it come up on my newsfeed at all?

  7. @Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai
    Its simple Just add Below the post body ie

  8. Hello , It works fine , but let me know how to add facebook standard like button to my blog instead of blog count..

  9. Is there a way to allow the like button to like each individual post? I have a like button on my blog, and now I put it at the bottom of each post, but if someone likes a post, they can't like another post because the like button is greyed out once you like one post.

  10. You can see what I mean....

  11. you are the boss.....

    how can i add twitter face book , Google and a share button just like your sites...

  12. thanks for this it worked well for me...but till the date blogspot changed to .in.....the facebook share button is not showing the number of shares is there anyway i can fix that??

  13. Thanks for the tip! You saved me so much time! I was a little nervous to edit the HTML, but it worked!!! Yay!

  14. Hi...
    I saw some blogger-site's that had, beside send and like buttons, ... one button that "report a probleme" with post (dead links, dead imagine etc...) i thought it's very usefull this button for us... can you make a tutorial of implementing this button on blogger?

  15. thanks for your tutorial,,nice utorial for my blog

  16. hello, I have tired the trick but this isn't working for me

  17. Its nice... but I want to put Like but for Blog post..
    So when any one hit like button then that notification should be post on wall...

    Can we put link of blog post instead of fp page for like ?

    this is link i want to put... so is it possible?

  18. Oh sheat i add your facebbok icon and all od my post were deleted
