Publishers can now review Ads Landing Pages in AdSense

Google AdSense

Google AdSense empowers you with a host of options and features with which you can keep your ad-marketing campaign going smoothly. You have an Ad Review Center, where you get various controls that help with the management of ads on your site. Among other features (see a list of latest AdSense features here), you get the luxury of finding and reviewing quickly and efficiently, hence saving you a lot of time. But that's something we all already knew about. However, Google has very recently introduced a new feature in their Ad Review Center. Previously where you could only review ads themselves, now you can also review the landing pages they lead to.

How would this help?

Some of you might be saying 'meh, big deal' at this point. But if you've guessed the implications, then I'd like to congratulate you on your wit :D. Anyhow, this feature will help publishers align their website (content and ads) towards the users (we all know how big an issue user-friendliness is with Google).

Previously, you could only review ads, and see if they weren't irrelevant, or not suited for your audience. Now, you can also review the landing pages they lead to. This way, you can gauge your users' reaction ahead of time, and make adequate adjustments. For example, if you see a landing page that you think your users won't like, you can opt out of that ad.

Examples of landing pages where users might not comfortable can be irrelevant pages, cramped and spammy landing pages with a lot of ads or calls to action, inconvenient pop-ups, difficult navigation, and so on. As a general rule of thumb, if you don't like the page after clicking on the ad, then your users won't like it either.

How to get this feature?

Log into your AdSense account, and click on the Allow and Block Ads tab. Here, you can review individual ads. Hover over any ad, and you will see a magnifying glass appear on its bottom-right corner. Click on this to see the ad and the landing page it leads to. Easy as pie :)

Do note that this feature is currently available only to those accounts which have their language preference set to English. Google, however, is trying to add more language support. In the meantime, please feel free to ask questions in our comments section if you have any confusion. Stay tuned for more updates :)

P.S. Please try to keep your comments and questions as relevant as possible. This ensures easier and faster replies to your individual queries. Thank you for your cooperation :)

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  1. Adsense is really a great service, they are always trying to give there users best.

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  3. Thanks brother Quasim Zaib for always posting the latest updates in tech related problems and how we can resolve it individually. I believe these will help a lot of us (Publishers) to always work in-inline with Google...Blogger Tips And Tricks | Make Money Online Tips

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very nice feature that Google just give to Adsense publishers. Thank you for the news.

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  6. Wow, cool! Thanks for brining this update to our attention!

  7. Hi Qasim i am continuously monitoring you and i will say after reading your around 10 posts i can say you really got the ideas that attract do you get that?pls answer and now to the my entertainment blog i can see lots of ads which pay me just some cents some people told me that they are social service ads how can i disable the ads which i do not want in my blog to appear.Best of Shayari

  8. day by day adsense customizing it's manual few things are good for the publishers like this that publishers are able to review ads.thanks for this alert qasib.5 type of recent post widget

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  10. Muhammad Bro How is this possible?
    I had a blog deals in Blogger Tutorials. I had published atleast 50 articles in it and this is only 20 days old. I was not posting on it due to my exams but now i checked its alexa rank its 6,375 only. and having 45000 pageviews per day.Please help me how is this possible,.
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  11. This info and new feature is really awesome. Before this I was used digitalpoint's sandbox to check landing pages but now we can directly check it from adsense account. Thanks Qasim bro..
    Please tell me one thing if I use internal link in-content for a label page then should I use rel="nofollow" or rel="tag".. ? Or there is no need to add any rel tag? Please reply.

  12. Its very nice, getting me help any time. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Its Realy Helpful Qasim Zaib Good job and keep it up.

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Great post, thank you Qasim Zaib!

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  21. AdSense is a much useful resource for the publishers and with this new feature, it will raise more and more...
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  22. Seems to be a great feature to increase user friendliness, it's good to have some kind of control over ads and their landing pages. Thank Qasim for sharing this useful update and tweeted :)

  23. really adsense became more strict and It is irritating me. Hope I would try creating a new adsense account.
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