The Terrible Exams are Finally Over!

Exams are over!It feels like someone has dragged me out of a big mountain. I feel like I am literally breathing again! I called it terrible because they really were terrible! :p I am pursuing B.E in Computer and Information System Engineering and just attended exams of 6th semester, 2 more semesters to go after which (Graduation) I would have enough time to groom STC Network. As a student its tough to look after an online business which demands both time and care. Working online today with an increasing competition and rapidly changing moods of online traffic, you can not let your blogs run on auto-pilot mode even if it is managed by your employees. Exams for me mean a complete 40 days ban on all online activities. No clients, no engagement with readers (through blog, fan pages, phone calls or email), no product promotion, no posting, no technical learning, no innovation and no implementation of developed skills. It does not only effect the revenue but also skill productivity.

I am extremely thankful to our co-author Qasim who managed both the blogs on my behalf because both Nida and I were having exams so could not work effectively. I would also thank all our readers who maintained visiting the blog and kept motivating the authors. Since I am free now, I will be sharing what I have planned for this winter and would also suggest some tasks to those of you who are also on their academic vocations.

Do Exams cause Business loss?

Of course they do too badly!

This month, one of the biggest opportunity that I lost was utilizing the benefits of the Black Friday Discount Tsunami everywhere starting from web hosting companies, eBook marketing, social media services, merchandise and what not.  Sales this year were as much as 50%, which is the best concession one could get in order to buy a new webhosting and share some great benefits of the sales with friends and readers. This one day of Discount Tsunami was an excellent period for web Marketers to invest and multiply the coins. I wish all the best for those who acted quickly on it and made good use of the sales both for themselves and their following.

Another great loss were the product reviews, web services and SEO consultancy. Providing SEO advises and technical help via Skype is something that I frequently do and we started this service 7 months ago as a separate package and it feels great to help most of our readers this way.  Due to tough Exam schedule I had to abandon it temporarily for 40 days but fortunately I am back on duty now.

In short a business gets effected in every aspect during exams unless you have prepared for it with careful planning. To understand how to manage a blog during exams do check the following post which has some great tips and recipes:

For a complete list of the services we offer please visit: MBT Services

What are the plans?

Since I am free for a month with no studies, I will be working on some new scripts and would try to improve my skills of PHP and Jquery development. I will be sharing more plugins and widgets to help you customize your blogs as much as possible. My main focus would be readers this time with no intention of taking new projects. I will try to receive as much queries as possible and help you with your problems the best I can. I will make sure to design some new templates, icons and buttons and avail them on free download. We hope to have great time working together as usual inshAllah.

How can you Turn your Vocations into Income?

For those of you who wish to start an online career. I think vocations are a great advantage in turning this wish into a golden future. You may utilize this time by learning and implementing. The more creative you become, the richer you become as a recourse to the online community. Internet is an open and generous space for all those who wish to contribute by working hard. The only requirement for a lucrative income online is quality skills. The better you work on your skills the better you contribute and higher you get paid.

For starters and even those who are following us for long we would suggest the followings:

1#  Learn every bit of SEO

Understand how search engines index and crawl web pages. Without traffic no business online can survive and neither do bloggers like us may breath. It's the key to Making Money Online without any doubts!

I personally follow the web sources below to keep myself updated about Search Algorithms, Search Engines tips and updates:

  1. Google Webmaster Blog -
  2. Videos by Google - From the famous web spam head : The Funny Matt Cutts
  3. Google Help Forum
  4. SearchEngineLand - For News and updates
  5. SEOMOZ 
  6. You don't need to look anywhere else other than the ones mentioned above! :)

Don't forget to read:

2#  Build web designing skills

It has now become a must for every website owner to have some basic skills of photo editing, HTML and CSS. Things look good and attract customers only when they are presented well.  Online traffic today doesn't only look for quality content but also for a well presented content. You must know how to customize your webpages and make them appealing so that the first visitors to your page may turn out into a Fan or customer.

There are few resources that I would like to recommend:

  1. You Must Read: SIX FIGURE EARNING
  2. - the best website to learn CSS & HTML or almost any script or language

3#  Keep Reading

Understand how websites generate traffic - Get familiar with all sources like Search engines, Social Media Networks, Article Directories, Forums, Blogs etc.

Also read how you can work from home by joining freelancing sites. You may read about all such stuff on our blogs both at MBT and SEM

I want to hear about you all!

Follow these three things sincerely buddies just during this month and trust me you will find tons of opportunities next year waiting for you. Do not worry about earning, earning will follow you itself once you develop your skills. Earning looks good with a Geek but never with a Noob, so realize this thing buddies and always value learning over your natural lust for bucks. I just hope I have not left out anything and have shared all that I know to the best of my ability. It feels great when I see MBT readers running their own blogs successfully and acting as a rich resource to everyone. This makes me feel really happy because that is what I always aimed for. I want everyone of you to go far ahead of anyone you may know in your niche and let me feel proud always. My job is guiding you as a friend and brother how to swim but you will have to dive yourself.

So tell me what were you all up to and what exciting news would you like to share. Update me with your blog rankings, readership and learning goals.I wish you all the best in life and a great future ahead. Peace and blessings pals! :)

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. Finally we are out of Hell !! yay :) Even I can now concentrate on SEM's Alexa!! yay :) Party Time :P

    on a serious Note, Yes I would also like thank Brother Qasim for being there attentive and ever ready to post at my place :)

    Now that the team is all free, we will be coming up with new things that readers are looking for :)

  2. Yahoo. You are now back Mohammed.

    I am waiting for your awesome posts. Please rock us with them.

  3. Whao Muhameed! Thank God the exam is over now, I have missed you so much here because everyday I keep on coming here to read latest post on MBT, although Quasim is doing well but there are so many improvement I could have had on my blog if you were around. All the same, it is always good to learn more and improve academically. Can't wait for the tutorials and other great stuffs you are known to add to bloggers life.
    Your pattern of writing always inspire me every time I read your post. I think I have to put earning aside now and work more on my blog to gain a substantial amount of traffic.
    Let me see what will happen this month by following your recommended blog post on your blog.
    Happy to have you back bro. God bless you

  4. Wow! What a terrible post.. Great to see you back:)

    To be honest, this blog was itself missing you a lot :( All the best for the next month. May you have great health during the month.

    Am very happy to see you back and that your exam is over.

  5. Yeah... Nothing is so good then the exams coming to an end!

  6. Nice to see you back bro.Hoping some new and intresting on mbt.I was thinking that its your final year. My blog:

  7. waiting for your un matchable posting style & tutorials.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. good job brother. i am also a blogger and final year student my 7th sem exams are coming in mid of dec. i am from ece. can u suggest me that how to learn web designing. i have read out your all articles from 2009 to 2012. they are just awsam. i am elder than you. but you are elder than me in your work. so please brother help me. i want to learn all things. and also tell me by which programming you made meta tag generator,html color coder and all dynamic pages. please help me out. see my blog for your reply.

  10. Hi Mohammad

    This is the first time I am on your blog. I really don't remember how I landed here, possibly I was checking through some pagerank tips.Your blog is a great source of information.

    Sapna K

  11. and brother also tell me how to generate traffic. i have open my blog in 13 June 2012. till now i have 42 posts. and i have only 100 visitors. and i have one prob. when i did not know we have to do blogging on one topic than i just post of sunny leony pics. so now when somebody write "sunny leony" in google than my blog is on top. but my blog is about blogging.please please please help me.

  12. Assalam Walekum Mohammad and welcome back, Mohammad i have question regarding blog images that we use in our post i have tow blogs and, second one is a travel blog and i am using Adsense on this blog but with first blog i applied for the Adsense from my Adsense account but got rejected reason was copyright material.

    I want to use Adsense on this blog also but not getting what is wrong with it. I also had questions in Adsnse help forum and i got the answer that, now Google is not accepting any blog or site in Adsense program which is based on technology related articles because of the huge volume of the technology blog and sites on the internet so at present they are not accepting any technology blog or sites into Adsense. but they also said that my blog is good from others and there is chance they can approve your application soon. If this this is the only reason they are not accepting my site then it's ok but if the reason is copyright material i am not getting this. please do some reply on this topic Mohammad

  13. wow So you are ready to rock blogging world.

  14. @rohit chugh Hi Rohit i saw your blog and it's good, But i must say one thing wherther your blog is about blogging or wallpapers the content of your must original and owned by you if you have added copyrighted content from any other source like your wallpaper images or "sunny leony" images if yo don't have the proper right to publish them. it may be result of banding your Google Adsense account too. But if your all content is original and written by you the you don't have to worry. If you want to only blogging articles on your blog you then you can simply remove your images from your blog. hope it will help you.

  15. hello mohammed. its good to hear that your exams had been finished. and you are back to MBT. I posted a message to you from your contact page. please check it and reply me as soon as possible.
    srinath reddy

  16. Pak Blogger King is back :D Welcome back lovely brother :)

  17. Now have a look at that.. As soon as you step up on MBT, good amount of comments started to pop-up compared to when u were nt there. I see even some queries startd to come up..

    There has been lots of downs, personal as well, when u were nt here.. I will mail you all that stuff once I get back on PC as I can't access it.. I am talking from phone..

    I am very very happy to see u back in action.. All the very best for the results to u and Nida as well... Thankful to Qasim as well who kept calm when the pressure was mounting from the readers frustration and I needed to step-in..

    Now about this post... I don't know why you still recommend w3schools over w3c.. W3schools is obviously easier for a newbie but it has some mistakes as claimed by w3fools though the mistakes are being corrected..

    I desparately want to learn Php but I am really really not getting time to learn it professionally... I would love to see some basic php startup tutorials for wordpress development as a regular reading.. This way i dont need to find extra time as i spend time daily on MBT..

    Now lets answer some queries..
    @rohit chugh
    If you want to learn web designing profeasionally then join some local institute or course. If you dnt want to join then you can even learn by watching some videos on youtube.

    And about the copyright stuff that Rizwan told for sunny leone I would like to clarify that most of the celebrity pics are free of copyright but it is better to read the copyright policy on her site before sharing it. If u dont understand then just send a msg frm her site and i am sure u will get an answer.. Traffic and seo stuff wil be suggested by Mohammad.

    @Skapil or Sapna
    Welcome to MBT.. Enjoy your time here and I am sure you will learn a lot from here :-)

    I just surfed some of your pages of cyberockk from my phone and I couldn't something which violates the copyright of othrs. I suggest you rply on the mail you got from adsense asking them to provide a sample url from your blog which is violating the copyright and as far as i knw they do reply after some days. The non acceptance of technological blogs seems illogical to me.

    I guess I hopefully left some queries for Mohammad :-P
    Good day guys...
    Mohammad I will reply on mail when I get access to my PC..

  18. @Rizwan Ahmad hello sir thanx for your advice. and sir i write my own post myself. i do not copy and paste stuff. @Bhavesh Pamecha thanx for your advice sir. my alexa rank is 5.5 lack in 6 months. sir please help me to get more traffic. i have only 100 visitors a day

  19. Welcome back Bro!
    Hoping to see something new here on MBT... :)

  20. Happy Independence Day Bro :D

    Will E-mail You ;)

  21. yay! u r back!! more more more interactive widgets please ;p

  22. @Bhavesh Pamecha You are right Bhavesh but i didn't get any Email from Google because now Adsense policies are changed, According to the new change, if you have an active Adsense account by applying through a Google Hosted site like YouTube, blogger with name or Hubpage, then you will be able to monetize your YouTube channel or any other Google hosted sites, but if you will want to associate your Adsense ID with a non hosted site like on a site or a blog having a custom domain name like then you will get a option in your Adsense account setting tab that is "only host site allowed to show ads" and you will have to put your site URL there and then you will submit it for review if they accept it then you will be able to place Adsense ad codes to that site or any other site that you have without any further approval whether it's a hosted on blogger or a self hosted site with custom domain. that's why on my second blog you can see Ads are appearing normally. that is why i am so confuse what should i do.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am Really Sad! I came Last night Here and When I Saw your Article I was really happy. I Wrote a Comment and On Pressing a Publish button it asked me for Captacha :(... At that moment I Become a bit mad lol Sorry, I am A bit Short of Temper hehe. And the Comment Box was not going down therefore, I can't do anything. so I went away.

    Any ways. Its Great to see you back Bro, To be honest, We really missed you are the True Charm of MBT.

    Really, Exams are Brute for Bloggers and really Education is must no matter whatever happens.

    The compition is getting really tough. However, the more I Blog the More Passion it creates so. I Belive

    Do What you Love
    Love What you Do.

    Take a Lot care of yourself Buddy.. Hope to meet you sooner! Not a Casual meetup.. It would be like a Buddy to Buddy. more like a Big Bro to a little bro..

    Syed Faizan Ali

  25. @Rizwan
    When your cyberrock site was rejected, who told you that the reason was copyright? If you didn't get any mail, then I suggest you contact Adsense directly to get into the specifics.

  26. nice work mustafa bhi
    love your articles

  27. @Bhavesh Pamecha Hi Bhavesh, i have my active Adsense Account so i don't need to send a application for my cyberockk site from directly because now there is a new option added into adsense account in the "Account setting tab",which is "Only host site are Allowed to show ads" and if i want to send my any blog or sites having a custom domain then i just have to edit this option in my Adsense account and then i will have submit my site URL there by sending it for review and i have send it many times but they didn't accept it reason was copyright material. but this disapproval doesn't effect my Adsense account i can resubmit my site any time whenever i want.

    That's why i don't a need new application to send for review for my cyberockk site i can do this by going to my Adsense account and this is the new changes that Google has made in Adsense.

  28. @Rizwan
    Buddy I know about that option and its there for long. What I am asking is where did you get a message or something that the reason for non acceptance is copyright. How did you come to know that the reason is copyright. If Adsense officially told this then you must thoroughly check your blog and remove the copyrighted links completely and re-apply.

    If you can't find any copyrighted stuff on your blog then the only option is to contact Adsense and ask for specific sample URL which is causing the problem.

    Hope this helps and I think we can't talk much off topic over here now.

  29. @rizwan i would suggest you .you should apply with custom domain. according to my experience i have started blog on 13 june 2012. and take custom domain on 5 oct 2012.and after that i have applied for adsense on 5 nov 2012 and got google approval on 7 nov 2012. google see only good content. and do not apply it directly from your blogger earning tab. apply it with custom domain because if you will apply with custom domain than after applying for adsense and got disapproval after than u can apply for custom domain. i have got google adsense approval in my 2nd application. and one thing also if your one google account with google adsense after got approval with your blogger custom domain than you can apply that code on any site which is having custom domain and comply the adsense policies

  30. and one thing more if you will apply with custom domain than in settings tab you will see that "allow any site to show my account"

  31. @rizwan and @Bhavesh Pamecha sir can you tell me how to get more traffic please help me out

  32. Really happy that now you're back and hoping for quality tutorials in the future. i have a question why haven't you made any template since so many time it's almost 1.5 year the MONOP was released. so i hope that you'll make a brilliant and awesome template in near future.
    varun from

  33. @Bhavesh Pamecha Dear Bhavesh, i have got that Email by Google Adsense after submitting my site URL from my google Adsense Account here i am giving you the ful main have look on it:

    Thank you for your interest in expanding your Google AdSense account to implement ad code on your own website. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we're unable to approve this application for the time being. Your existing AdSense account that allows you to show ads on partner sites is not affected by this disapproval.

    We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

    - Copyrighted material


    Further detail:
    Copyrighted material: We've found that your website contains copyrighted material. As stated in our program policies (, AdSense publishers may not display Google ads on webpages with content protected by copyright law unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content.

    This includes sites that display copyrighted material, sites hosting copyrighted files, or sites that provide links driving traffic to sites that contain copyrighted material.!categories/youtube/monetization/ask-a-how-to-question/firefox

    Also i want to tell you that all the content is original and owned by me and my guest authors, the only thing which can violate Adsense terms is images on my site and there is nothing else that is copy righted on my site.

  34. @Bhavesh Pamecha i have got the reason from Google Adsense after applying by sending my site url from my Adsense account. and all the written content is my original content written by me and my guest authors. but the reason may be images on my site and there is nothing else.

  35. @rohit chugh Rohit, i know about that option and i have a active adsense account with my name as a payee, then how can i apply for second account with the same payee name, the only thing i can do is i can submit my site URL by going to my Adsense account. if they will approve my site then i will be bale to place ads on any other site without any farther approval.

    And if i will apply directly from Adsense then i will have to use a new gmail ID because one gmail ID i am already using with Adsense and Google does not allow tow account with the same payee name.

  36. @Rizwan Ahmad i know sir .but i do not have to add any site. becoz i have already a option that i have ad on any site option. i don't think so google want other url after approval of adsense account .becoz i read on google adsense blog

  37. @rohit chugh yes you are right rohit you don't have that option because you have got your Adsense account approved by your custom domain and once you got your custom domain approved then you don't get that option in your account, that's why you are getting message " allow any site to show ads" but yet my custom domain is not yet approved by Adsense that's why i am unable to place ads on any other custom domain.

  38. @Rizwan Ahmadhmm so i always recommend that apply adsense with custom domain. n sir i have adsense on other account and blog on other account. and i have got 3 adsense disaprovals before with my differnt email addresses

  39. @Nida
    Yes its your turn now to cover Qasim's portion too because he is now on Exams. :)

    Glad to see you Ahmed after a long time. Feels great :)

    I think I have to put earning aside now and work more on my blog to gain a substantial amount of traffic

    I loved this spirit you must put earnings aside and make traffic the first step towards building a sound existence for your blog. I wish you all the best with your endeavors and thank you for the much needed feedback. Means a lot! :))

    Terrible post? I got you dude. ;)
    Don't forget the meeting. We have to meet inshAllah. I will ring you up soon buddy. :)

    Dude they are a nightmare. Thanks goodness I am off now! :p

    @Jake @Mohamed Ileeyas @mani4astro

    Your requests are appreciated. I will surely bring something new for sure. Thank you for being there :)

    A pleasure dear. Yeh its my 3rd year, just got promoted to final now. :)

    I am gla dyou find them such. Thank you saif :)


    Its an honor dear. Well my personal choice was always B.Tech. I am sure you have web development in your course. Even if not then I recommend that you do its course from a nearby institute. It would cost less than 3 months. Just learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML and then for advance learning you may read articles online. Just keep playing with your blog and customize it, install plugins, Page objects such as navigation menus, div sections, Frames, tables etc. After three months you will realize that the tools I created are nothing but peanuts!

    Those tools are created using java-script and much of the code is available online, I modified them a bit. JavaScript helps to create dynamic objects that functions at cleint side and for extreme webpage programming you will have to learn PHP or

    About your blog

    For your blog traffic, I would advise that you need to understand the importance of a niche. You can not write on several topics/recipes and expect fair amount of traffic. Robots are really selective in this manner. You said you receive 100 visitors though you have 42 posts. If you continue this way even a 1000 posts wont bring you more than 200. Its not the quantity but quality of posts.

    Your blog needs a good niche topic then a good design and then fair frequency of unique posts. Write at least 5 posts per week. Submit sitemaps to search engines and keep writing on latest updates. don't share stuff already discussed widely. Carefully understand the technical side of SEO when it comes to Metas, link attributes, image tags, headline tags, keywords and title length.

    My best advice is that work on SEO and Designing skills parallely.

    All the best :)

  40. @Rizwan Ahmad

    Forget telling you one thing. Rizwan Ahmad is right. Explicit and adult content will receive penalty from everywhere no matter which standard network you may be using like Infolinks, BSA or Adsense. You may loose your account if you continue sharing such content. :)


    W.salam dear brother,

    If your adsense accountb is approved then you can display on all your blogs as long as they comply with TOS. In blogger you can create 100 blogs so you can show adsense in all of them. If you have been sent such a message then it means they have found some content in your blog that might be copyright infringement. To be safe just do this:

    1. Visit any of your post that has content matching to some other website. Normally when we start blogging we often share data from other websites without knowing that it is bad but as you grow mature you learn and stop this habit. Chekc your old posts and see if any such post exists.

    2. If you find such content, dont think a second and delete them and then use the remove URL tool in your webmaster account to remove the link from Google index

    3. Next create a navigation menu and add a proper About page. Normally Google webspam team hate pages with no author info or Page navigation. In short a page with no navigation matches those that are taken as spam or low quality content.

    4. Increase your post frequency and traffic.

    5. After one month of this practice, add Adsense again to your site and in your Adsense account add your site URL to the list of websites that can use your Adsense code.

    6. Also send a reconsideration request before displaying ads on your blog.

    Hopefully it will work like a charm. :)

    @Aumkar Thakur
    Yes buddy. I am sorry I missed replying most of your comments. You are welcomed captain to post them now. :)

    @srinath reddy Doodi

    Buddy my inbox has around 2K unread messages and filtering them would be tough. I would really appreciate if you ask them via blog because emails through contact page receive less attention because a reply on blog will help many but a reply via email will help just an individual. Hope this make sense. :)

    Long time bro! Glad to hear you. :)

    Not a king buddy just a learner like your self. Thank you for the kind words :)

  41. @Bhavesh

    There comes a great man! Dude as long as you are there why would MBT suffer? :D Your comprehensive comment via a mobile phone is enough an evidence to show your dedicated love and support. Thank you man. :)

    Well I truly understand and respect your suggestions always because they are from an intellectual.

    I will be eagerly waiting for your series Emails! :p

    >> W3fools is right in every sense but I would agree to them on most of the points. W3schools is best not because its tutorials are well filtered and error free but because it offers an extremely useful user interface that provides an online editor where visitors can learn and practice at the same time. There exits no other parallel when it comes to the clear explanation of some of the most complex terminologies. I still use this website to strengthen my basics.

    w3fools seems more like a hater then a polite critic. Don't you think? :)

    Read this at the footer of w3schools:

    Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
    Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content

    About PHP, I would say that you better practice JavaScript and Jquery first. Learn PHP only if you think it can help you in your work.

    Thank you for all your dedicated time to MBT and for helping each and every reader always buddy. :)

    @Muhammad Irshad
    You are warmly welcomed here buddy. Sure we have a lot to share! :))


    Where are you lost man? Update me with everything via email. I like to hear some more exciting stories and surprises. I am sure your fanClub must be doing a great job.


    Agreed buddy. You kept visiting the blog during my absence, even that is an honor in it self. Thank you for the consistent motivation. Really appreciated your Exam prayers. Ameen :p

    Sure you will love the ocean here! Its a bit messy but still acceptable. Faizan is an energetic talented guy and I will meet him too very soon. All the best to you. :)

    Request accepted pal. As you command. :)

    @AII Akbar
    and I love readers like you. You guys make up the community and keep it alive. Thank you for being there. I will surely post more often now. :)

  42. @sowrd Fish

    Glad to have you here buddy :)

    @Syed Faizan
    Hey salam buddy! I am so sorry about the comment captcha problem, just removed it.

    I was often informed about your delicious comments by Qasim and I was equally feeling all your worries. Its actually your sincere respect that speaks out and this is the best favor i receive in return. You are doing really great with your blog buddy and I feel really proud to see you following every simple advise seriously and executing them perfectly. Keep it up and I want to see you really high.
    About the meeting, shoot me an email I will give you my cell number and then you can pay me a visit to my little living room. :)

    thank you pal :)

    I am glad you find it worth reading buddy. Thanks for it. :)

    Welcome home you too buddy. :)

    Yes finally a free mortal! ;)

    I would give your request a thumbs up. I kept myself busy with the clients and forget designing freebies for the blog. I will release a good magazine style template very soon buddy. You still remember Monop's publishing date and that sounds cool. :)

    I just hope I didn't left any comment unanswered. Really glad to see you all active and enjoying your time online. Peace buddies :)

  43. @Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai Thanks for your kind reply Mohammad, yes you are right there was many old articles on my blog and i have written them when i started my blog few years back, but now i have learned so many thing by facing so many difficulties on my way. but now i have deleted such types of articles from my site, and now i have added pages like " privacy policy, About Me, and Sitemap.

    Also please tell me about the images on my blog will i have to credit them all or i can leave them as it is. this is my blog address i am using it on blogger with custom domain that's why when i put Adsense ads codes into this blog the ads are appears only in preview mode when i preview a post or home page of the site, but it didn't appear in live mode. and i have a second blog with blog and i have associated my Adsense ID and ads are appearing fine on that blog. blog is, one more thing i must say, you are great Mohammad keep it up....

  44. Assalam.o.Alaikum I need your help, i have add drop down menu in my blog but its not showing fully... u can chek it... plz tell me i m very worried about it...

  45. Meet Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai is in a Pakistani program (Lov you bro)

    First see then thank me ;)


  46. waiting for my result and if you want wish me best of luck then u must visit at

  47. This blog is very useful and has some interesting content. Welcome back!

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
