iGoogle Will Stop Working From November 2013 Onwards

igoogle to end  in november 2013Google-Perhaps the biggest name in the internet world that has always been a subject of controversy, has now again bombarded the iGoogle Followers with the news of its end. There are possibilities that most of you might not know or use iGoogle and therefore, its end will not going to affect you anyway; there are still its old followers who are finding this action unnecessary. According to the latest reveal on Google Blog, iGoogle will no longer be available from November, 2013 onwards as Google is keen to analyze that it is no more a source to increase its productivity in any sense.

What is iGoogle?

iGoogle took over the market as Google’s custom homepage that it launched in 2005. Similar to My Yahoo, My Msn homepages, that you still see in while accessing your Yahoo or Hotmail inbox, iGoogle was an initiative taken by Google to provide the users a freedom of adding gadgets, news updates, weather forecasts , horoscopes and much more. Although the idea might not click you today, but if we go back to the era, 2005, it was really an eye-catching feature, overpowering all other Homepage functionalities.
It was a rich resource for bloggers especially to keep them selves updated with the RSS feeds of their favorite websites. RSS feeds would display on your iGoogle homepage and you could easily look at every latest hot story. 

Why iGoogle to come to an End?

We can owe an entire post on the reasons that actually contributed in bringing this superlative creation of Google, to an end. Following are some summarized causes:

1) iGoogle was never upgraded
At this time of stage when even the web pages are updated twice or thrice a week to ensure their sustainability in the market, iGoogle was completely deprived of any improvement, making it out-dated slowly and gradually.

2) New Technology over-lapped iGoogle
Since this page was never taken into account other than the features that the developers added seven years back (seven years is indeed, a long period), the new technology in terms of Social Media took away majority of its users. It was obvious that when users could get all iGoogle’s features, with a touch of social networking at the same time, iGoogle had to lose its place.

3) Mobile Applications give a blow too
People have had been looking for technology to get mobilize since a long time and with mobile development, it became all possible. Your smartphones have got everything to serve you what even iGoogle failed to provide. All you need to have is a right application now to make your phone do what you want. No one has got enough time to sit exclusively and use iGoogle when features much more than that are available of fingertip access.

4) Google itself gave it a final Hit
Google itself has produced the superset of the features that were once a part of iGoogle. With Google Chrome, you can browse everything you want. Google plus here can be considered as the biggest superset of iGoogle, providing all what users might miss about their old iGoogle. Google Calendar is one of the best schedulers available in market which has made the simple calendar of iGoogle obsolete. In short, it is Google itself that has some other plans and with newly launched features, Google has find iGoogle as outdated.

What Next Google?

It’s not iGoogle only that has been a victim of Google’s ‘clean it’ policy. In fact many Google products are coming to an end this year, including Symbian Google Search application, which has undoubtedly lost its scope with the advent of Android phones. Reports have shown that Google Mini and Google Talk are also in the Hit list.
Let’s see how Google reshape its services for the users, but there is one thing to mention that the Google Fans are going to miss their favorite products that are coming to an end.
Best Wishes,

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  1. I'm very disappointed with the decision. Do I need to go back to my yahoo? Its another victim of googles efforts to centralise everything....

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  2. This is something that i thought Google will take ahead. But after so many shutdowns like the Google Buzz, this is not that surprising. As in your article you mentioned that they "never updated the service".

  3. Nice post Nida.. :( i Google .... one thing its the best option to add all things in one page

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  4. Hey Nida nice post buddy. Yesterday i came around this new on mashable or somewhere i doesn't remember. I hope Google will not end the Google Talk service.

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  5. Oh That's Great, Now we know Google Dump Those Thing which is not giving them profit and it is pretty clear IGoogle was waste of Space. I never use it. Good move from Google. Thanks For sharing Nida sis Keep the Thumbs up.


  6. @ all;
    Thank You So much All of you for appreciation

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  8. Save igoogle by signing this petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/google-don-t-kill-igoogle

  9. Also check out this blog: igooglehelp.blogspot.com
