7 Hot Pinterest Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog!

pinterest traffic tipsThe basic principle of gaining control over anything is to understand it completely. And, this is the reason why we seek advice from experienced people. In our previous posts, we have introduced pinterest - the visual pin board .We also had a quick overview of its progress and the features offered. We have also provided you with a step by step guidance to create pin boards for your blogs. Now, when we are looking at Pinterest as our potential advertiser, it is important to have a detailed study on how it works before direct jumping and using it right away. Todays tutorial will share some basics that will help you drive more traffic to your websites and blogs through correct pins.


1-Pinterest is different:

This platform is different from the one we used previously .i.e. facebook fan pages or Google plus, so we can’t rely on the tips to gain traffic for facebook fanpage. This time targeted audience is approached in a different manner. The way you present your content is different and the options available are also new. But due to rapid increase in its popularity we are required to update ourselves with the change and redesign our blog promotion techniques. You may find it a little difficult if you are not good at colors, but do not drop the idea. Follow our tips and gradually you will be doing well at it. It will require some time to attune you with it.

2-Careful Addition of images:

Use images in each and every post of your blog. It should fully reflect the post theme or at least 75% of it. Think of an appropriate eye-catching line with the image. We won’t recommend use of too many images because it will affect the blog load time but you should be careful about image dimensions. Select those which can fit properly in your pin, usually 400*319 is acceptable. Add proper descriptions to your images and comment on them as well.

3-Repin from your blog:

When you pin anything from your blog, it is displayed in your profile. Add pin it button on our blog, so that you can pin your content directly. Pin every post of you so as to direct followers from pinterest to your blog. This activity is also shown on your Facebook and twitter accounts. Pinterest is not meant to be an advertising platform but it is a social networking site and you are supposed to like, comment and re-pin other people’s content. Be kind with others and others will be kind to you.

4-Sensible Categorization:

In this pin world, you need to be precise when you are pinning your images. Do not use a single “Miscellaneous” to represent everything but use abstract, architecture, nature, wild life etc. to represent your content (if you have a photography blog, for example).
If you are not satisfied with the options already available, you can create your own boards and specify your categories. Add a description and this description should be keyword-rich.

5-Graphics Campaign:

This may be a new experience for you. Sketch a layout for your blog. You will then arrange pin boards. Take it as a graphics campaign of yours and be careful that your board should look stunning not shocking…yes, absurd combination of colors has a terrible effect. What do I mean by absurd combination? I am trying to say that there should not be a single dominant color. Also, do not use dark colored images too much; add some light colors as well to maintain balance. So, here I got it… your board should be a balanced one with all relevant tastes provided there.

6- Free Traffic From Pinterest?

Yes it's the new engine to drive some massive traffic to your blog with much more potential than facebook and twitter. Here is an interesting video form lisa:


7- Optimize Pinterest and Pins!

There is again Search Engine Optimization involved in Pinterest because we are making use of images at large. We will keep SEO simple for pinterest. You will need to create a 150 characters of description for your pinterest profile, make sure to keep it rich with keywords and precise. Also give proper description to every image you pin or repin. Add good keywords to your pin boards. So lets summarize the seo tips for pinterest. You need to:

  1. Create an optimized description (150 Characters) for your site at pinterest profile
  2. Create board titles that may contain your blog keywords
  3. Add description to every image you pin

In order to learn how to optimize images, you wil surely enjoy reading:

  1. How to Optimize Images with correct keyword tags?
  2. Optimize Images offline before uploading

Wish you all a happy pinterest experience. Cheers! :)

Guest post by Rahmeen Ahmad Khan. She is MBT"s Gold Star Contributor

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  1. Well i m not so excited about it presently ......

    It will take little time for pinterest to give more attractive options ..... I m not going to use it now .....

  2. thanks for this tip, i know my Travel blog http://outravel.blogspot.com will benefit on it since it contains images that will suite the likings of the pinterest users.

    one thing that i want to ask, what if your images is hotlink protected, will it still be shown in pinterest board?

    sry for my bad english, hehe

  3. yes Pinterest is different from facebook and google plus. i think it will surely be more popular than facebook. getnetgyan.blogspot.com

  4. I was thinking how can i use Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog and waiting for some post regarding in it on your blog which I got.

    Thanx for this amazing tips.


  5. Yap,Thanks for the wonderful tips...Hy today is a special day our what 2 post in a row...I wish you could do a hattrick next time...You are doing great API.....The why you presented every thing was awesome.... :)

  6. Hi Mohammad,
    Thanks for the tips :)
    It's really useful.
    I am also impressed with how pinterest works and how it inspires other websites to create more specific niche. Example is this site http://www.pinfaves.com
    It's a website that we can call the best of pinterest pin where we can submit our most favorite pins and discuss, also do voting. Perhaps you are interested to check Pinfaves out?


    i updated mohammad with three posts, but he published only two.Ask him, why?:-)
    and the way you say API is awesome

    @Arbaz Khan
    apply them and share your success with us:)

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    This is really interesting post and i hope you will
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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks for this great post

  11. Great Post
