How To add Read More Link In Feedburner Feeds?

read more link in feedburnerWhether you call it "Read More Link" or "continue Reading Link" or "Jump Break" or Excerpts (teasers), they all refer to the link or button that displays only a small portion of the post on homepage. The visitor can see full post only when he clicks this link or button. Some of you are still confused on how to add a "read more link" inside your RSS Feeds. You have seen this link in MBT's email feeds and RSS Feeds. some of you even asked how to format the intro image and opening paragraph so that it may display perfectly in feeds. In todays tutorials we will learn how to make things clean.

What Causes the Read More To Appear?

Its called the more Tag, which is a simple HTML tag that tells the browser to display the post only till the read more tag and hide the remaining part. Its structured as follows:


If you wish to add a read more link after the starting paragraph or some specific number of characters then you just need to add the more Tag at that point inside your Blog post editor.

Tip: In Windows Live Writer you can insert this tag by clicking on Insert > Split Post option. In Blogger you can insert it by clicking the "Insert Jump Link" Icon as shown below:

jump break in blogger

The reason why read more link does not display in many feeds is because some bloggers use automatic read more scripts or plugins. You should avoid summarizing the posts automatically. The disadvantage is that the intro image gets auto resized which badly effects its quality and the read more link appears after selected number of characters, which means whether the sentence completes or not, post will be chopped and this is not a wise thing to do.

Therefore you should always add <!--more-->  anywhere inside your post editor where you want the read More link to appear.

Blogger has now added read more functionality in all templates by default and its called "Jump break". I don't use it because I prefer the custom script I use on my blog. If you wish to customize the read more link and add exciting effects to it then you remove the jump break provided by blogger and use the custom one. Read this tutorial:

Add Read More To Feeds

Most of you use the "Summary Burner" option given inside your Feedburner accounts. The summary burner adds a teaser link along with some text after specific number of characters in all your posts. This again acts like an automatic read more script so you should avoid adding read more using Summary Burner tool.

The simplest and easiest way to add read more to both Email and RSS Feeds is through Blogger Dashboard settings. Do this:

  1. Go To Blogger > Settings > Site Feed
  2. Set "Allow blog Feeds" to "Untill Jump Break"

readmore to feeds

    3.  Save your settings and you are all done

This will add a Jump Break i.e "Read More" link to all your feeds which includes Post, comment and per-post comment feed.

Remember that the read more link will appear at exact same location where the more Tag appears and thus it keeps things clean and neat as you wanted.


Why intro images do not display in Email Feeds?

The image that you add in the start of your post just like I often do is called the featured thumbnail image. This image has significance both for search engines and social networking sites, because it's the first choice and is picked first while your blog is shared in Facebook or Google+ or search via Google Image search. Therefore always tag it wisely.

Email Feeds by default do not display thumbnails and instead display the image alt tags only. See below:

Email Feed View:

no image in Email feeds


RSS FEED View in any Feed Reader:

thumbnail in RSS feed


If you are facing this problem then just relax and know that its perfectly alright. This is how Email FEEDs and RSS Feeds display.

Need Help?

I hope this post clarifies some doubts related to post excerpts (Read More) settings in Feedburner. Most of you kept asking this question so we taught may be a post would help in a much better way. If you still have any question then feel free to post your queries. Take lots of care buddies. Peace and blessings! :)

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  1. yEah .. First time i am the first to comment on your post ... Yuppie <3

  2. Respected sir,

    I want to start a gaming blog. Can you please provide me a copy of you blog template? I just love this template. I promise to provde a back link to your blog on every page of my blog. Thanks

  3. This post cleared many doubts in my mind ... Thankyou Mustafa Bro ... !

  4. Thanks Mohd. for your reply...

  5. Mohd. let me know whether it is advisable to use disqus comment form for blog comments or better to stick to original blogger comments.

  6. Could you please explain the advantages and disadvantages of summary versus full feeds and emails. I've changed mine a few times to summary and so many readers complained. I couldn't find anything on the internet to explain why one is better over the other and I don't know which way to go. Thanks.

  7. how to add related post widget in blogger RSS feed delivered through Feedbuner

  8. Just one question.

    Why do you prefer custom script over the default jump break by blogger? Any major difference?

  9. This will work when we use split in Live Writer or Blogger Editor. How to add Read more even when we do not use above feature. I don't use this because my blog is a job portal. But, when my readers see my posts in their email boxes, I just wanted to add Read more feature. Could you please help me out. Thank you!

    Here is my blog for reference:

  10. thanks for this post mohammed
    can i click on the post splitter in windows live and dont add the span class fullpost code
    sorry for this question

  11. Nice post and i'm looking for it, sm where first I didn't undrstand but now i got it.


  12. great but my problem is how to put "read more" to my posts that are coming from feedburner email subscriptions from other sites... the source sites are having a full download of their feeds and i want to cut it and put "read more" when i receive it and autopost to my blog....

    Here is my site:


  13. Thanks Helpfull Post

  14. tell how can i put jump break jab new page may mainay post add ke hai for example may videos add kee hai new page mayy un videos kay part 1 or part2 may jump break kasay apply email is nad my web site is

  15. how to add read more link on email subscription. like when i get your new post mail there is read more link which drive me to your blog page.

  16. AOA.I want to put the jump break in my "About Me". Is it Possible?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. How can i add this function to wordpress blog?

  19. Hi mohammad, i am regular reader of your blog and i like your blog very much. Each posts in your blog is very informative for me. This post also helped me to know something more in feedburner. Thank u for writing such informative post. :)

  20. Its very useful when you want to submit your RSS to all sites like feedly... cheers mate..

  21. Hi thanks for the post. I followed your tip on using until jump break. So I assume that after this once I add a new post, I will get a read more in my subscriber's mails? Thanks. I'm looking forward.

  22. Really. This post shows up how to easily add a jump break to feeds. Even I was surfing this problem but after using the suggested settings i am now able to cut the feed so that it will enhance traffic through email notifications.
