Embeddable “CSS Color Chart” – 216 Hexadecimal Values

Embeddable css color chart Below is an embeddable Web Colour Chart most probably known as hexadecimal colour chart. The chart below consists of a total 216 hexadecimal colours which are well interpreted by all browsers and are compatible in every sense. The Colour chart below uses a combination of well scripted HTML and CSS to produce a mouse over effect when you hover your cursor over the table cells. You can use this chart for both free and commercial purpose. You can use these colour codes/hexadecimal values for editing your Blogspot, Wordpress or web templates. They are web safe colours so they look the same in any browser.  You can embed this Colour Chart or table in your websites or weblogs. You only need to subscribe to this blog by filling up the simple Subscription form on the sidebar. Once you have subscribed kindly inform me by using the comment box below and include in it the email address with which you subscribed. To avoid spam robots, write your email address as follow,
  • If you use hotmail write like this –> xyz hot mail
  • If you use gmail write like this –> xyz g mail

where xyz is your email ID. If you use any other emailing service then simply follow the above pattern.

The moment I receive your comment, I will send you the embeddable code to this chart.

CSS Web Colour Chart

#FF99FF #FF99CC #FF9999 #FF9966 #FF9933 #FF9900
#FF66FF #FF66CC #FF6699 #FF6666 #FF6633 #FF6600
#FF33FF #FF33CC #FF3399 #FF3366 #FF3333 #FF3300
#FF00FF #FF00CC #FF0099 #FF0066 #FF0033 #FF0000

#CC99FF #CC99CC #CC9999 #CC9966 #CC9933 #CC9900
#CC66FF #CC66CC #CC6699 #CC6666 #CC6633 #CC6600
#CC33FF #CC33CC #CC3399 #CC3366 #CC3333 #CC3300
#CC00FF #CC00CC #CC0099 #CC0066 #CC0033 #CC0000
#99FFFF #99FFCC #99FF99 #99FF66 #99FF33 #99FF00
#99CCFF #99CCCC #99CC99 #99CC66 #99CC33 #99CC00
#9999FF #9999CC #999999 #999966 #999933 #999900
#9966FF #9966CC #996699 #996666 #999933 #999900
#9933FF #9933CC #993399 #993366 #993333 #993300
#9900FF #9900CC #990099 #990066 #990033 #990000

#66FFFF #66FFCC #66FF99 #66FF66 #66FF33 #66FF00
#66CCFF #66CCCC #66CC99 #66CC66 #66CC33 #66CC00
#6699FF #6699CC #669999 #669966 #669933 #669900
#6666FF #6666CC #666699 #666666 #666633 #666600
#6633FF #6633CC #663399 #663366 #663333 #663300
#6600FF #6600CC #660099 #660066 #660033 #660000

#33FFFF #33FFCC #33FF99 #33FF66 #33FF33 #33FF00
#33CCFF #33CCCC #33CC99 #33CC66 #33CC33 #33CC00
#3399FF #3399CC #339999 #339966 #339933 #339900
#3366FF #3366CC #336699 #336666 #336633 #336600
#3333FF #3333CC #333399 #333366 #333333 #333300
#3300FF #3300CC #330099 #330066 #330033 #330000

#00FFFF #00FFCC #00FF99 #00FF66 #00FF33 #00FF00
#00CCFF #00CCCC #00CC99 #00CC66 #00CC33 #00CC00
#0099FF #0099CC #009999 #009966 #009933 #009900
#0066FF #0066CC #006699 #006666 #006633 #006600
#0033FF #0033CC #003399 #003366 #003333 #003300
#0000FF #0000CC #000099 #000066 #000033 #000000


Web developers and bloggers are requested to attach a link-back to this blog if they wish to share this chart with their readers.

I would love to know how you liked it. Any comment is appreciated.


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  1. Mohd that is remarkably outstanding. I just subscribed using the id iqbal789 G mail. Kindly send me the code. I will share it with my readers with a promise to display attribution.

  2. @Asif

    Thank you for appreciating the effort. I have sent you the code. Follow the instruction attached.

  3. I have seen lots of blogs & sites with blogger resources, found yours something different or say unique, thanx being among us!

  4. @googy

    Thks pal! Being unique is what we aim for.

  5. Hi moammad can you share with me??


    thank you,

  6. @Anup

    To get this code you must subscribe to MBT. Once you have subscribed , let me know so that I could send you the code.

    Make sure you add your Subscription Email ID to your comment as guided in the post

  7. Hi, Mohammad I just subscribed using the id kayastha_anup@yahoo.com . Kindly send me the code soon:)

    Thak YOu!

  8. @Anup

    The Code Has been sent to you. Thanks for subscribing

  9. Hi Mohammed
    Just subscibed and would like to recieve the code...my ID is santosfcblog g mail ,many thanks for all the expert advice

  10. @ACE OF BASE

    Just sent you the Code :>> Enjoy!

  11. Estimado amigo, podrá haberse dado cuenta que ya estoy suscrito a su blog. Me pareció muy, muy, muy interesante.No escribo el comentario esperando que me regrese el código de implementación de la tabla, hago el comentario por los temas y trucos tan interesantes que Ud. presenta.


  12. @Jose

    Thanks for your comment. I highly appreciate comments from my Spanish friends. Sent you the code just now! If you needed further materials then kindly let me know.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. this is indeed a very useful tool for every blogger, thanks for your effort..thumbs up!

  15. Mohd.
    I hav subscribed hexadecimal colours chart.
    now plz send me the same, its really very usefull.


  16. @Ary

    Kindly share your Email Id with which you subscribed dear!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Mohammad,
    I hope you are still sending out the Embeddable CSS Color Chart codes. I would love to have that if you don't mind. I am already a subscriber to your wonderful, and so very helpful, blog. I do have to say, I think you are just amazing! It's so nice for a new blogger like myself, to have someone like you, that is so detailed with their instructions, makes everything so clear and easy to follow! There is a lot of confusing (and old) information out there! So, thank you and I really appreciate all your hard work!Take care and have a wonderful week!!

  19. @Pumpkin
    Thanks for that valuable appreciation and remarks. Yes indeed our resources are still available for free download to our subscribers. Kindly tell us your email ID so that we could send your the requested Color Chart's coding.

  20. @ Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai


    Plzz send me this code...

    My Subscription id is :- santanu.9998@gmail.com

  21. Fantastic site. I have so many tips and tricks here and they are all easily explained where most people go in and try to get to detailed and can't explain diddle squat yours is perfect. Thank you so much. I would love to have the code for the color chart. Thank you so much. lambert9404 g mail

  22. I subscribed to your blog :-) and I madly want this. :-) thanks

  23. hey, i've subscribed your blog with mukhtar.r.f@gmail.com
    send me the code soon, please :)

  24. Mohammad: Can you share me this code? Thanks!

  25. My email: peace19812006@gmail.com

  26. send me the code please: siuhanley@gmail.com

  27. salam brother. awesome site u have here. thumbs up from me. I just subscribed to your RSS and at a glance, your RSS come up with pictures and how come my RSS does not include picture like yours. Any idea bro? please help

    you can refer my RSS at http://feeds.feedburner.com/leakedknowledge

    oh yea, i also interested with those codes. can you send it at ale06053@ g mail

    thanks bro, keep it up!

  28. I subscribed to your blog.Send me the code please:oksamanta2@gmail.com

  29. Hi Mohammad, I subscribed with my e-id sameershamsudheen[at]gmail[dot]com

    please send me that code

  30. hello sir, i just liked ur blog and visit all days. please send me this widget code to dayanaphilip891@gmail.com

  31. anisha.ranjitr g mail

    I'm subscribed to your feed.I would like to get the code. Thanks in advance

  32. can u give me the code my email-id : p.harikesh409@gmail.com
    i have subscribed to u

  33. can i keep this chart in my blog

  34. Brother please send me the code slimshady1070@gmail.com

  35. out of words.. 2dy i saw ur blog n it's awsm.. .bcm ur fan :) abhishekraj439@gmail.com

  36. Subscribed!!
    Mision Accomplish Master...

  37. Thanks you for the list.

  38. thanks, this is my email aliefrezki555 gmail com

  39. thanx...subscribed..
    email- shivam54321@gmail.com

  40. Kindly Send it to me too @ domz3669@yahoo.com.ph, im your loyal subscriber.

  41. Love this chart. Gonna share on my blog. stefnsylvester772 g mail.Will be expecting the chart code.

  42. AOA Mohammad, This is Nahid, subscribed to MBT 2day, would like to get color chart code.
    Firstly let me introduce myself. I'm a fresh front-end web designer. Would like to learn more about web design & development as well as graphic designing. All I want to know is will this colour chart works equally well with Dreamweaver (of course with any version). My ID is nahid.asghar@gmail.com

    Regards & best of luck for your good job! : )

  43. AOA Mohammad, I am a new blogger and i liked your site and subscribed too. You have a very good way of explaining things. Kindly send me the color char code. my id is muhammadimranawan122 gmail.com
