Releasing the Amazing “MBT Church Theme”. Wordpress Converted Blogger Template

MBT Church Theme To celebrate the new beginning of this blog, I am donating a $300 highly professional MBT Church Theme for free! I have spent 2 weeks of hard labour into turning the Wordpress Church Theme by Brian Gardner into an extremely beautiful and highly customized ”MBT Church Theme”.

This template is different and unparallel in every aspect as compared to any other Blogger template found in the blogosphere. Its not just a Wordpress template converted to blogger but it is a precious blog template which is highly Stylized, Customized and Optimized by default!


See it for yourselves,

MBT-church-theme-Demo Demo  |  Download


This is how the Church Theme originally looked when converted to blogger.


Amazed to see the difference, aren’t you? Lets look at some important features that makes MBT Church Theme the only template with “extensive customization”.

Features related to Customization

Some Important features and built-in widgets are highlighted in the image below,

  1. Blogger Navigation Bar invisible by Default (1)
  2. Coloured title (2)
  3. Curtain Style Header (3)
  4. RSS Feed Widget/Subscription Email Form Widget, with a customized email form and button (4) (Not Built-in)
  5. Built-in Pop up image effect (5)
  6. Built-in Fading image effect (6)
  7. Beautiful Social Bookmarking Icons (7)
  8. Related Post Widget (8)
  9. Adsense adds appear in sub-pages only for fast Page-load-time (9)
  10. Built-in Comment counter! (10)
  11. Author comments appear in different style (11)
  12. Different Sidebar Web Bullet (12)
  13. Page Navigation! (13)
  14. Highly stylized Three Column Footer Widget – The most important edition to the template (14)
  15. Blinking Back To Top Link (15)
  16. 3D style Sidebar Top Area (16)
  17. 3D style Sub Navigation Bar (16)
  18. Built-in Read More  or Continue Reading Link visible on homepage


Layout Screen Shot

Here is a screenshot of the layout, where you can see extra “add a gadget” widgets above header, post-body and footer.


Optimization Guide

MBT Church Theme is a well scripted and optimized BlogSpot template. I have done whatever I could to let search engines better crawl your blog content and let your blog rank higher in search results.

By default I have added some very important meta tags under the <head> tag. Meta tags help search engines to better know what your blog is all about. These meta tags need some edition. To edit them follow the steps below,

Go To Layout > Edit HTML

And search for <head> (Press Ctrl + F to use a search box for finding <head>)

You will find 4 important meta tags under the <head> tag as shown in the image below,


You just need to edit the Meta tags as guided in the bolded text below.

Update:- I have observed that for some unknown reasons the meta tags get automatically deleted. If you see no metas in your buster theme than simple copy paste the code below just under <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>


<link href='mailto:Your Email Address Goes Here' rev='made'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Add your blog description here. Maximum Characters (including spaces) should be 120' name='Description'/></b:if>
<meta content='Add your keywords here, Maximum Characters (including spaces) should be 200' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Write your name here' name='Author'/>


A meta Description can be a simple sentence that defines the overall topic of your blog.

A meta keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important terms on your page

I am giving a dummy example below for my blog to help you get an idea


<link href='' rev='made'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content=’Get dozens of tricks related to blogger hosted blogs with free download of highly professional blogger templates' name='Description'/></b:if>
<meta content='Blogger widgets,templates, download, free, seo tips, blogspot tricks' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai' name='Author'/>

Avoid duplicate meta keywords/ repetitive keywords. For instance, for meta keywords I have written 'Blogger widgets,templates, download, free, seo tips, blogspot tricks

and not  Blogger widgets, Blogger templates, download Blogger templates, free Blogger templates, Blogger seo tips, Blogger tricks’ 

You can observe that the word Blogger is used 6 times and templates 3 times. Please avoid repetition of a single keyword. You don’t need to worry about the arrangement of your keywords because search engines are clever enough to create good combination of words by themselves out of the keywords you have provided.

Customization Guide


To customize the Navigation Menu, do the following,

To edit the Main navigation menu, follow the steps below,

  1. Go to Layout > Edit HTML

  2. Search for <div id='NavbarMenu'> using the browser search box     (Tip:- Press Ctrl + F )

  3. Just below <div id='NavbarMenu'> you will see a long chain of code as shown below,

<div id='NavbarMenuleft'>
      <ul id='nav'>
        <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
          <a href='#'>Sitemap</a>
              <a href='#'>Sub Page #1</a>

                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #1</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #2</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #3</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #2</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #3</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #4</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #5</a></li>

        <li><a href='#'>About Me</a></li>
        <li><a href='#'>Contact Me</a></li>

Edit the bolded text in the code above with your own Page links and Page Titles. Replace the hash sign (#) with your Page URLs/Links and bolded black text with your Page Titles

If you don’t want sub pages then simply delete this part of the code

              <a href='#'>Sub Page #1</a>

                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #1</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #2</a></li>
                <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #3</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #2</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #3</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #4</a></li>
            <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #5</a></li>

To edit the Sub navigation menu, follow the steps below,

  1. Go to Layout > Edit HTML

  2. Search for <div id='subnavbar'> using the browser search box     (Tip:- Press Ctrl + F )

  3. Just below <div id='subnavbar'> you will see a long chain of code as shown below,

<ul id='subnav'>
         <a href=''>Download This Theme</a>
             <a href=''>My Blogger Tricks</a>
                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #1</a>
                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #2</a>
                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #3</a>

             <a href='#'>Sub Page #2</a>
             <a href='#'>Sub Page #3</a>
         <a href=''>Template Gallery</a>
         <a href=''>Blogger Tricks</a>

Again replace the hash sign (#) with your Page Links and Bolded Green Text with your Page Titles. Also Replace    and with your own Page Links

If you don’t want sub pages delete this part of the code,

                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #1</a>
                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #2</a>
                 <a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #3</a>

             <a href='#'>Sub Page #2</a>
             <a href='#'>Sub Page #3</a>



To Add the Subscription Form Read this Post –>

Beautiful Subscription Form

To Learn How To Add Image Opacity and Pop Up Effect Read this post –>

Image Opacity and Pop Up Effect

To Add The Page Navigation Widget Read this Post –>

Stylized Page Navigation Widget


That’s All!

Enjoy The free $300 Worth Template :)

If you are facing problem uploading the template into your blogger or you are totally unfamiliar on how to replace your current template with a new one then read the Customization Guide For Buster Themes

I hope you will like this template but I can not take a sigh of relief unless you guys let me know how do you find it. If anything is unclear, feel free to ask in the comment box below.

I am soon going to release some more great Magazine style templates, so make sure you have subscribed in order to be updated about the next highly stylized freeware BlogSpot template. Don’t miss the release post!


I have the ability to even change the design made by Brian Gardner and take away all the credits as many people have done already but I didn’t do that just because I respect the efforts put into this template by the original author. I simply added further beauty to the design and deserve the credits for this beauty alone. I expect from my readers to kindly appreciate our efforts by leaving the credits unchanged at the footer. Stealing away or removing the credits is the greatest harm one can do to someone’s hard work!

This template can surely be distributed by third parties by linking the credits to my homepage.

This template is free of cost and any sale of it is strongly forbidden.



© My Blogger Tricks

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


We have Zero Tolerance to Spam. Chessy Comments and Comments with 'Links' will be deleted immediately upon our review.
  1. Dude this template is simply unbelievable. How come you add page navigation to it???...I thought only wordPress nerds have that.... further the comment shocked me dude...I am simply amazed to have downloaded such a pro template free of cost.....God bless ya dear..God bless ya...thks a lot..

  2. Hi Jafer,

    bro its just a bit of hard labor and that's it.
    I am really glad that you found it unbelievable :>

    You can see that I haven't added page navigation and comment count to my blog just to make MBT Church theme a really exceptional template!

  3. Amazing Template!I have downloaded it and will be using it for my blog.Your recent posts displays images with it.Do you use any software which creates images automatically or you create by yourself.I want to use recent posts widget like yours but I don't know how to create images.Can you help me with this.Sorry for the poor English!

  4. @Shikher,

    Its great that you have downloaded it ;>
    Well I use photoshop to create 2D images for my designing purposes. Photoshop is really easy to use. You can find several Photoshop tutorials in internet by doing a simple google search. These tutorials are enough to give you good command over this software.

    If you are facing problems creating images of your taste than let me know so that I could assist you

  5. This is truely something remarkable you have done!

    Cheers dear... Me and my friends have downloaded it thrice when we first heard about it through your blog.


  6. This is really something remarkable you have done!

    Cheers dear... me and my friends downloaded it thrice when we first heard about this theme from your blog

  7. Opps I guess I troubleshooted my self and commented twice....cheers again :D

  8. you welcome Joe and I always appreciate comments:>

    I am amazed too to see that the downloads of MBT church theme reached 23 within two days!

  9. thk you Mohd, thks for making it free. Please guide me on how to replace my current template with this one, though i have downloaded it but don't know how to replace my template with it.

  10. I really appreciate the hard work you put in mOHD.

    I am a wordpress user and am using the original church theme at the moment, can you share the wordpress version of this theme...that would be a great favour on wordpress users.

  11. Hi MohD,

    I am sorry I have commented as anonymous because I can't disclose my identity due to issues discussed below.

    I have download your template and am in love with it. I was just browsing some blogs today via entrecard when I saw a blog that was using ur mbt church theme but had no credits at the footer that link to ur blog.

    I have emailed you the URL of that blog via the contact page. Please make sure you get back ur credits that u deserve.

    Just a loyal reader

  12. @laky

    To replace your current template with this new one follow the steps below,

    1. Log into your blogger account
    2. Go to layout > Edit HTML section of your blog
    3. You can see that their is a link entitled "Download Full Template" Click this link to backup/save your current template.
    4. You can see a box that has two buttons browse & upload click the browse button and locate the MBT Church Theme file. Then click Upload-Then within seconds MBT Church theme will be uploaded-

    That's it! You have successfully replaced your current template with mbt church theme

  13. @Brad Callen

    I am sorry I simply hate Wordpress service and I hate it only because they don't offer a user the full control of styling. One can only depend on plugins.

    And my friend who has helped me converting this wordpress theme into blogger has the ability to convert MBT church theme into wordpress php format but then some of the customizations that we have made will not work! Hence MBT Church themes works and looks best when in blogger

  14. @Anonymous

    Thanks for informing and emailing. I have emailed the Google Copyright infringement service just last night and luckily they have taken strict action against that blogger by suspending his blogger account.

    I respect readers like you who respect our efforts. Thks pal

  15. hey the moderator is my childhood friend,3 years back he dont know how to install a window i teached him to i really appreciate his improvement but iam ur first teacher mustafa in our language USTAAD remember that :D

  16. i did it my bro
    plz tell me your opinion
    thnx alot
    rabana yakramak in sha alah

  17. looks great!

    Now try add some cool widgets to your blog and also summarize your posts in your homepage by using the read more link. Read this post to know more Summarize Posts using Read More Link

  18. yes true fahad you are my first teacher but first mentor when it comes to heavy weight lifting :D

  19. very attractive template and a lot of efforts you spent in creating such an amazing optimized blogger template
    thank you mohammed

  20. Your the best you have done a best and unbeliveable job, Thanks man.

  21. YOu welcome Anonymous!

    I would appreciate if you use the NAME/URL option while commenting.

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog and left a valuable comment and link to your blog so I can download this great template. I'm looking for a template like this. My template original is blogger default template and I made a little change everywhere :)
    I'll try this template, but the first thing, can I change the header with my own?

  23. @Another Blogger

    I am glad you liked the template. MBT Church Theme is a well scripted template with user flexibility. You can change anything you want.

    To Change the Header, Go To Layout section of your blogger account and click on the edit button next to MBT Church Theme (header)

  24. Wow I use the Church theme on a few blogs, I just love that theme!
    I have never really used Blogger, though I do have a few blogs set up but they are automatically updated with my wp posts... but I might try out this theme... Thanks for the good work.

  25. Hi Mohammad
    Can u plz tell me that how can i use Built-in Pop up image effect in ur modified MBT theme for my blog post photos?????And also Built-in Fading image effect!!!

  26. @Annup

    For summarizing your posts at an equal length simple add the <span class="fullpost"> code after 100 Characters. Simply make an estimation. A good practise is that always make an into paragraph for your posts just the way I do for each of my posts and then add <span class="fullpost"> after that into para and add </span> at the end of your post. Read this post for more info


    I will write a post on it. Just wait for a day

  27. hi Mohammad

    I am using ur modified MBT theme in blogger but i am unable to found built in page navigation in this theme.Can u Plz help me that why it is not showing below post!!

  28. Prady thks for asking. I will provide you guys with the code soon. Just visit back within 24 hours to see the answer to your question posted.

  29. The Reason is simple Anup!

    Do the Following,

    1. Remove the Stat Counter that you have added just below your posts and also the link to dell computers. Add them to sidebar or the footer.

    2. You haven't embeded the Adsense code at the right position. Find "YOUR ADSENSE CODE GOES HERE" in your template and replace this text with your adsense code.

    As I said MBT Church Theme is a highly optimized theme , adds will appear in individual post pages only for better load time.

    If possible remove that "Featured Video" Widget at the top of your post body also.

    Things will return to normal as soon as you apply the solutions above.

  30. Annup I use a javascript to add this flashing link effect to my blog. I will avail the code soon.

  31. ok, thank you Mohammad. Thanks for helping me...:)

  32. @Notícia e blog

    Thanks for respecting Copyrights and agreeing to delete that post.

  33. hello Mohammad many many thanks to u for this template.well i want to make some page beside contact me and blogger trick.can u plese help me with that?

  34. @Anonymous

    Well I will release a set of templates after one or two days. There I will also share the code for subscription widget, customizing the menu bar at the top and etc. For as short note, you can follow the steps below,

    1. Go To Layout > Edit HTML

    2. Check The Expand Widgets box at the top-right-corner

    3. Search for <div id='NavbarMenu'>

    4. Just below this code you will find a big bunch of code like the one below,

    <ul id='nav'>
    <li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
    <a href='#'>Sitemap</a>
    <a href='#'>Sub Page #1</a>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #1</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #2</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Sub Page #3</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #2</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #3</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #4</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Sub Page #5</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>About Me</a></li>
    <li><a href='#'>Contact Me</a></li>

    You can see the list of pages. Change the text with page name and href="#" with Page link.
    For example to edit this code <a href='#'>Sitemap</a>

    Change the hash sign (#) with page link and Sitemap with your page name

    I hope this small info would be helpful. I will write a post on detailed instruction soon.

  35. I am new to Blogging, having only used free blogspot templates.
    I took a leap of faith, and downloaded and installed the MBT Church Template on my blog.
    I would like a BIG picture to be the first thing people see when they go to my Blog ?
    IS this possible ?

    Secondly, my blogs title and description is not as good as I would like.
    How do I fix it with your template ?

    Third, I subscribed to your blog, and next I am going to try adding colors to the Blog.

    Thank You for this template, and all your hard work!
    Chris in Tampa Florida USA

  36. @Chris

    Thanks for your appreciation and subscription. Chris I am going to release 4 templates today. MAke sure you check back. I am sure after seeing those templates , you will never intend to show a welcome image! These templates are worth dollars but subscribers will get these 4 themes for free!

    As far as your blog title and description is concerned, I will advise that you create a Background image with your title and description inside it. My blog header (image) can be an example. I have written the title as MY Blogger Tricks and description as keywords above that magic hat. Sometimes simple words speak a lot.

    Create an image in gif format having dimensions 960px by 140px

    And Do one more thing.

    1) Go To Layout > Edit HTML
    2) And search for #header using the browser search box. Press Crtl + F
    3) Under #header you will find height:120px; Delete it and hit save. Now Once you have
    created your background image upload it to blogger using the Gadget which you use for
    writing title and description. This widget is inside Layout with link entitled as EDIT.

    I hope it will help a bit :>

  37. Thanks mate this template is simple yet attractive!

  38. Hello Mohammad,

    Thanks for this wonderful theme. I have used it for my blog and my blog simply seems amazing.

    I have few doubts though -

    1. How can i change appearance of ads below every posts, i am not able to change their colour scheme and format using blog posts tab under page elements head.

    2. How can i add multi-tabber widget?

    3. Profile images are not displayed in comments. I need that too.

    4. I did not find page navigation widget.

    5. I need to place date header above every post title.

    6. I am not able to change blog author's commenting style.

    7. Adsense above comment box is not showing.

    Your timely help would be highly appreciated.

  39. @hetal

    I have updated the post and have added the links to page navigation widget, pop up and opacity effect and subscription form.

    To add adsense below every post do this,

    1. Go to Layout > Edit HTML
    2. Check the "expand Widget Templates" box
    3. Now Search For <div class='gapad'> and just below this you will find
    Replace this text with your adsense code.
    4. Done!

    The ads will appear on posts only and not at homepage. If you want to show them even at homepage than just above <div class='gapad'> you will find <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> simply delete it and just below YOUR ADSENSE CODE GOES HERE you will find </b:if>, delelte that too. You are done!

    To Change Adsense Appearance. Inside your Adsense account create a new code with your preferences and than paste the code just instead of YOUR ADSENSE CODE GOES HERE. Make sure you encode adsense code using this MBT Tool to Change HTML Characters to simple entities Once you encode the code, it can than be added to your template.

    To change blog Author's commenting style do the following,

    1. Search for .comment-body-author this is the CSS which will help you change author's comment style.

    To Change the look of Comment Count search for .numberingcomments and edit the CSS to suit your preferences.

    To add multi tab widget read this post The Tabber

    You said you want date header to appear just above each post title. To do this do the following,
    1. Search for {
    margin: 1.5em 0 .5em;
    display: none;

    Replace this with {
    margin:1.5em 0 .5em;
    font-size: 10px;

    } {
    font:normal normal 78% Arial, sans-serif;
    line-height: 1em;
    line-height: 1.4em;

    Preview you template to see the changes.

    You asked about comment profile images. I will write a post on it soon. Though Buster Themes has this effect by default.
    I hope I was clear.

  40. Hello Mohammad,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I followed all your tips and could work out as i needed. One problem still persists. Earlier before shifting to this current theme, ads under posts were shown which i adjusted from page elements --> blog posts tab. After shifting to this template ads are shown still, but i need to change colour scheme matching current blog's colour theme. I am not able to change that from age elements --> blog posts tab.

    I would request you to please visit my blog so that it becomes more clear since it's hard for me to explain.

    Yeah i know buster themes have comment profile images by default, but i love this them, so i would be waiting for your post about it.

    Thanks again for this wonderful theme.

  41. @hetal

    I have mentioned it very clearly that to add an Adsense ad of your choice you must visit your adsense account and create a new code with your look and feel. Get that code and encode it using this tool ->

    And once you have encoded the code using the MBT Tool, simply paste this instead of the text YOUR ADSENSE CODE GOES HERE inside your template.

    You can't set the preferences using the method you are describing because its not an official blogger template. Page elements --> blog posts tab. This method won't work

  42. Hello,

    Yh setting preferences using Page elements --> blog posts tab is not working. But atleast i need to remove earlier ad link. How can that be done?

    I followed your instructions for other method for ads and i succeeded. Thanks a lot.

  43. @Ms hetal Patel

    Well try this,

    1. Go To your blogger Dashboard
    2. CLick the link Monetize
    3. YOur solution will be in front of you. Choose the last option.

    I hope this will help.

  44. @Ms hetal Patel

    Please read this updated post ->

    12 Useful Tips To Reduce Your BLog Load Time

    Your blog is taking a lot of time to load. Kindly read Tip number 4 on that post. This will help you a lot.

  45. Hello,

    Thanks for suggestion has worked for me. It gave great relief.

    I visited updated post too. Thanks for suggestion. I will try to follow it.

  46. @izhar

    To remove ads appearing on your homepage, simply find and delete this code,

    <div class='gapad'>
    <center>This site is under construction</center>

    Any further help is welcomed :>

  47. Why is it the default font of my post is Times New Roman? The CSS is set to Arial,Tahoma,Verdana. How to change it Arial? The paragraph spacing is also double in default?

  48. @egay

    The font family that you are refering is for the sidebar headings. If you wish to change the font family of the text inside posts (i.e font family of post body) then do this,

    1.Search this,
    font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman; Note:-this code will appear twice and hence replace it twice with the code shared below

    You can see there are two font types mentioned i.e Georgia, Times New Roman,

    The first font will be display and the second font is used as a backup if in case the browser doesn't have Georgia.

    If you wish to show Arial font then replace the above code with this,

    font-family: Arial,Georgia, "Times New Roman";

    And if you want to add another font type then simply add it before arial and add a comma in between. You can see that each font is separated using a comma.

    Hope this will help.

  49. Hello,

    I need to know why exact paragraph formatting and spacing of posts gets changed while post is summarised in homepage? Is it possible to have the same foramtting as it would be in original post page on home page too?

  50. @Ms Hetal Patil

    Hi dear!

    Well generally I have not faced any such problem but if you are facing so then make sure to add this code <br/> <br/> just before the code for your read more link.

    This code <br/><br/> will basically add a space between your read more link and your first paragraph and thus the paragraph will not shrunk.

    Hope this was the answer of your question.

  51. Hello Mohammad,

    I think i have wrongly presented my question. Actually i am using automatic read more hack in which a post gets summarized about a certain limit of pre-determined characters and the image size is also pre-determined. When such summarized posts appear on home page the formatting gets disturbed, i mean where i have used link list or tables, the characters seems to joined each other without spaces :( So what can be the reason for it? And also its solution...

    Another thing, i have noticed that a simple search box is used in this template. Can we use google search widget instead of it and if yes, please do let me know its procedure.

    Waiting for your mail too !!!

    Many thanks to you.

  52. @Ms Hetal Patil

    Well that automatic read more script was never recommended by me even though many readers asked me to write a tutorial on it. But they way it would truncate the images and other stuff as you mentioned. I really don't know how to tweak a javascript code. I have good knowledge of CSS and HTML but Javascript no way! :>>

    Almost all good bloggers use the manual read more link and I use it too. It really takes no time to summarize your posts manually. You just need to add two codes before and after the text you want to hide and that's it. Of course you would need read more link only for posts that appear at your homepage and not for others. You can read this post if you want -> Read More or Continue Reading link

    Any further help is welcomed.

    And yes Dear I tried a lot to tweak the code for your Automatic image quotes but nothing seemed to work. May be you should consult someone who knows Javascript best. (Sorry!) ..I will have to learn javaScript as well for you guys one day :D

  53. Hello,

    Thanks for answering my queries and working on Automatic image quotes. Let me try to find any other person who can help us in this. If i get any clue regarding this, i shall certainly share with you and your readers of course...!

    As far as Read more is concerned thanks for clearing my doubt. Yes it is not that difficult to add read more link manually.

    One query still stands unanswered regarding google adsense search widget instead of simple search widget. Is it possible to parse adsense code for search box and replace it in present search box?

    Please do not use words like sorry, everyone and everything has limitations, i can understand...

  54. Oops I forgot to answer the search box question!

    Well you can surely replace your current search box code with that of Google custom search box. But then the stylization will have to be done separately. And I don't recommend editing the Adsense code. though some people have customized the search code but I still prefer not editing it. If you get banned just once you will never have a second chance! So people who are experimenting can not be trusted.

    However you can use that search box at a different location. For example below your post body, just above comment box. Or inside the four column widget at bottom.

    Hope that was the answer of question :>

  55. Thanks for answering my query Mohammad.

    I liked your idea of placing search box in post body, but could not do it successfully. I did parse the adsense code but could not get through it :( please help me out

  56. @Ms Hatil PAtil

    It is a simple logic to add anything below post title add your code below <data:post.body/> and to add anything below post body add it below <data:post.body/>

    So add your search box code below <data:post.body/>

    Hope that will help a lot :>

  57. i have done as u told..but adsense ad is not appearing......

    and plz tell me how can i add adsense anywhere........

    urgent plz...

  58. @All PC Tools

    I can't remember what did I instructed you. From what I understand you are having difficulty in integrating the adsense code. Dear you just need to get the code from and then parsed the code using this tool -> HTML Encoder

    After you have parsed (made it compatible with Blogger) simply do this,

    1. Go To Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML
    2. Click the Expand Widget Templates box at top-right-corner

    Now To display adsense ads below post titles, simply paste your adsense code above this line,


    and to shows adds at the bottom of posts then paste your adsense code below this code,


    For showing ads else where like your sidebar or near the header as I have done then simply select the Adsense widget from Layout >Page Elements page. And choose your preferred ad format.

    I hope that was the answer of your query. For further help, please do not hesitate to ask :>

  59. kekekekkeke Enjoy The free $300...
    always give the eazy for your

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Love this theme!!

    Sir Mohammad I just found it and install now in my site, I really appreciate your site full of helpful topics I have learned a lot.

    I download your theme and use it now in my thanks!

  62. @Ebince
    You welcome dear!
    I hope you found the answer for your first deleted comment :>

  63. I am using It in My blog with some modifications
    thank You

  64. mohammed im turkish man elhamdullilah im muslim i love ur works man very much thnk u but im intertested this template but can u do me a favor pls i need to put in this temaplte 1 logo can u do me a logo pls the name is Lockerz Romania and the colours in this logo i like blue first second yellow and red like romanian flag thnk u unique logo i need pls help me and send me in my email if u can thnk u i will be waiting ur email

  65. great theme

  66. yaar your templates is not working on my blog

    there not show the page navigation even older post and newer post not show

    i put page navigation script but not working

    help me

    your templates is amaizing

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.


    my blog

    there is no page navigation on first page but it seem after oprn full post

  70. @Dweapons

    Dear first publish some posts. The widget will work only when there are more than 10 posts. same is true for search box.

    hope this helps :>

  71. now i make the 14 post then also its not seem and in post setting also donde number of post show is 10 ,now what is the problem,
    pls help me

  72. verry verry nice tips and website.hello sir block quote not can to it.when i post,i will get folling error

  73. Sir how do i change the border color instead of black/darkgrey change it to something like red? and how do i change the site icon appearing in the url.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. How do i use the image fade effect and change URL Icon for this theme.,

    regarding the blog title how can i remove that so my header image is not blocking by the blog title.

    and last thing i want to remove some banner ads.

    Can you teach me how do i make my article display only portion of the story and just showing a link read more or continue??

  76. mine has alot of post the least is 50 post but no links for the New and older Post below my sites... can you help me why and how to enable the link

  77. Hey this is an excellent template and now I use it but I have a problem with Page Navigation.It doesn't work on my blog and I think it doesn't work on your demo blog.How can we fix it?

  78. Hey I have a problem more, when we press facebook share button, it is like that :
    var mydate=new Date()
    var year=mydate.getYear()
    if (year < 1000)
    var day=mydate.getDay()
    var month=mydate.getMonth()
    var daym=mydate.getDate()
    if (daym

    why?how can we fix it

  79. Hello Mohammad many thanks to you for this template. I have two problems. First one is Page Navigation buttons not showing on firefox and Google chrome. But I can see them on Internet explore. I also add it as you explain in "Stylized Page Navigation Widget" post but same result.

    And the second one is when I read single post I can’t see your beautiful home, next, previous buttons in the bottom of the post. I upload them and add the image links manually. But nothing is shown. Once again browsing through the Internet explore I can see those buttons and they work as they should be. I can’t understand why they only work on IE. Could u please be kind enough to help me with this? (Sorry for my poor English) (my mail is pbcmatrix(at)yahoo(dot)com)

  80. Or else could you tell me how to show older post button instead of page navigation menu.Hope you will see my above question and help me. thanks.

  81. Humble Apologies that I delayed the replies due to hectic schedule.

    Dear due to Blogger's change of design many errors have occured in custom templates. One of this issue is Older New and Home Links. I am trying to figure out a way and will write a whole new post once I am done with it. And yeh never use IE6 because it is no more recommended by designers and will be replaced soon by IE7 or IE8 in versions of windowsXP.
    You can see these buttons in my template and exactly same coding is used for all my templates but don't know why it stopped appearing in other templates. I am working on it and will soon forward a solution.

  82. Thanks for your kind respond.Hope you will post it soon.keep up the good work.

  83. Had I used this template in the very beginning, my learning curve would have been much shorter. I suppose, every newbie had to endure it, I suppose. The fact that this template is Search engine optimized, convinced me to adapt this.

    However, it still doesn't incorporate the 'post title hack' needed for SEO purposes. The stylized page navigation does not work even after following the directions on download page.

    I still love it. Thanks & Kudos to Mustafa, definitely a cool dude for all newbie bloggers.

  84. How to download download your templates....i already email is bmmahawangsa@gmail...

  85. very nice theme ia hav a problem with it

    the attribution gadgets can't be removed

    then the gadgets cant be moved in between the right pane

    pls verify it with my site

    And provide me a solution

  86. And also their is no page navigation
    like pages count
    previous home next

  87. And all my post hav readmore buttons which cut of the bookmarking and related post options

    and even other pages have read more butons at end which do not going to expand anything as it is placed at the end.

  88. @Bazeeth about "And also their is no page navigation like pages count or previous home next"

    you need add them.The template isn't perfect 'cause every user(of any template) is free to choose the best for his site.
    Check other Mohammad's posts and don't forget to take a look at the latest posts. xP

    xoxo Mary

  89. Thanks a lot Mohd, i had been searching for such a theme and you fulfilled it. i have a question though. Can i remove the attribute? and one more. how can i add a image like your's instead of that curtain like image?

  90. @Amith

    Buddy an attribute is the only favour you give us in return of our efforts. :>

    Yeh you can add an image header by going to Design > Page Elements and then hit the Edit link on the header to add your logo.

  91. I am really amazed by this. I am using this template right now in my blog, I have deleted the sub nav bar and i want to get it back, what do i do?

  92. Hello,
    Mohammad I am using your template but i am facing one problem that i have restricted 4 post on home page and totally i have 5 post up till now but the template is not displaying "Next","Home","Previous" button,so please help me.

  93. Hi Mohammad Mustafa i am using this ”MBT Church Theme” theme and it is a best theme i have ever seen but i am having two problems with it please help me to solve these problems the problems are the following.

    1- I cant add adsense code under the post.
    2- I cant see PREVIOUS HOME NEXT link on homepage.

    Thanks in advance and I hope you will reply because i need your help to solve these problem.Can you please visit my blog and tell me what should i change because i am a very new blogger.

  94. @dholakia

    I will solve the problem and update the template soon.


    Thanks for liking it. :>

    1. You better read this post -> Add Adsense Anywhere in your blog posts
    and in order to always appear adsense below post titles like I do simply paste your adsense code below data:post.body
    PS: First encode the adsense code using Encode HTML

    2- I will fix this problem soon. Please be patient. :>

  95. Please email this wonderful template . This is a wonderful template. I was searching for such a incredible template on the full internet but now I have found it on ur blog. Please send me this template my email id :

  96. Thanks soooooooooooooooooooo much brother

  97. Hi Mohammad Mustafa - I just started using this wonderful theme yesterday and noticed today that like comment #104 I can't see I cant see PREVIOUS HOME NEXT links on the homepage. Do you have the code for this or the workaround?



  98. Hello
    Mohammed I have downloaded this template but not show it (NEXT - Home - previous

  99. Slam brother,
    Kindly send me this template fully converted. Thanks a lot

  100. if ill use this new template will all my other gadgets will be erased? widgets, like box, etc. thanks!

  101. @Mohammed I want to delete menus Like Sitemap, About Me, Contact Me, Download this theme, Template Gallery, Blogger Tricks

    Can I?
    If i can please give me method of doing this

  102. i want to add a left column to the template. How i can do that?

  103. Read more is not working :(
    its showing my whole post and then after showing read more link :/

  104. Mohammad will u plz reply me ?
    readmore is not working what to do ?

  105. yes Read More is not working...

  106. Hello my friend Mohammad i'm glad to download your templates for free thanks alot
    i want to have your attention to your name, don't wrote MOHD because it mean the big dog with a big mouth, so complete your name like this MOHAMMAD.

  107. UPDATE:

    All resources can now be downloaded without waiting from the Download Page

  108. @Mohammad - Blog Pager is not working.Please help???????

    Demo -

    I am not using any page navigator and page navigator are not working...

  109. This is a nice template but unfortunately the Page Navigation doesn't work and also the "Older Post & Newer Post" is invisible. I've tried everything but no luck.

  110. Can anyone recommend a blogger template which is kinda similar to this? This is really an awesome template, I just hope that someone is smart enough to figure out whats wrong with the Page Navigation (The "Older Post/New Posts) only works on IE)

  111. I love this blog and the author Mohammad... I must say that this template is super but after implementing i found few bugs :

    1. No page navigation.
    2. No Read More hack working

    So as far as first bug is concerned, here is a simple code to add before the ]]>

    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    About the second bug : here is the best way

    Happy blogging...

  112. I have been using your template with attractive

  113. Hello sir,
    I am glad to download your templates for free thanks a lot. I upload this template but i have a problem, can't see navigation buttons(newer post and older post). I have already posted 13 posts
    but I can;t see this navigation link. please help me. I hope u answer this problem.Please help me...


  114. Mohammad will u plz reply me ?
    page navigation (next and previous) is not working what to do ?
    OR any any one help me..........................

  115. Hello Muhammad,
    I am very happy for that. Thanks a lot my dear friend. Very Very thanks for that information. Like you so much


  116. Hello,
    I want to use this theme, but i need a wider post area. Can you tell me how can I increase my posting area width and decrease the sidebar width? Thank you.

  117. This is the template , I searched for a long time, Thanks my blogger tricks team

  118. Assalamualaikum
    Hy, I like this template so much..
    but why, if in the template dashboard look not in center.??
    (template dashboard is when we will edit tmplte.)
    how can i fix that problem.
    please reply this comment..

  119. Hey bhai..
    the read more and no comment option link in my church theme template get displaced. Please help me by solving this problem .please bhai.

  120. Hi mohammad, I will always love your templates. I use MBT and salahudeen ayubi and they were wonderful. Will u be willing to sell the version 2 of mbt on your blog. Please contact me via I will be waiting, it's urgent please. Ma ' sallam

  121. Salam Mohd, I am using the template for my website - . I wish to make the following changes - at the homepage; instead of showing in full, how can I make it "auto crop" a portion of the image to be shown on homepage? This is not good as most readers would "miss" & not going to the actual post page to view. TQ in advance.

  122. please help i am unable to create popular post.....please

  123. hello Mohammad many many thanks to u for this template.well i want to make some page beside contact me and blogger trick.can u plese help me with that.....
