125 by 125 Animated Ad Banners For Blogs – Biggest Advertising Collection Ever!

turning over pages I am excited to release one of the most beautiful collection of advertising banners for Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad and all other blogs.  The unique thing about these banners is that they are Animated Ad banners and not just ordinary 125 by 125 Ad blocks. An advertiser will offer you an Ad only when something at your sidebar catches his attention significantly and that is usually a vacant Ad Spot. In fact the more attractive your Ad block may seem the better chances you get of earning online, day and night :).

I am proud to avail them for free download as I have always done. These Ad banners are extremely professional and took me a lot of time to prepare them. I hope you will like them. See it for yourselves,

Bill-board GREEN Framed Hand Drawing bill black   Spinner blue simple frame Reading Style Big Banner wooden


Please don’t use our Image URLs. Kindly Upload these images to your servers.

I would love to know your views about this new unique stuff by My Blogger Tricks (MBT)

To know how to add a 125 by 125 Ad banner widget to your blog read this post –> Ad 125 by 125 Banner widget to your blog

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. Mohd you rock man! YOu will surely beat every blog out there..luv you muaahhh! I was searching for such ad banners for months and luckily found your post.


  2. you welcome Arshad. Thks for the encouragement

  3. wow they are so cool. Thks pal thks a lot! I really liked the bill board ones.

  4. These are terrific. I like the one that is gold and the bill board ones. Going to download them now.

  5. Hey dude,

    tried to download it but its not getting downloaded any alternate links????????

  6. Greetings Mohammad. Great and useful share as always! I was searching for something like that! Thank you very much for this! Cheers!

  7. Thanks very much :)

    PD: No se hablar muy bien inglés :(

  8. Excellent Team..I was searching for the same and I found it here...!!!
