4 Years Bachelor's Journey Finally ends!

Convocation DayBrothers and sisters at the end of every semester, you often found me screaming "Exams over!" but this time I would say "It's all over! no more exams ever in my life!" :-) I am just done with the longest academic journey of my life and that was surely the most hardest yet a memorable one. I have completed my bachelor's study in "Computer & Information System Engineering" and once granted a degree in February 2014, it would add an extension to my current signature i.e. Engr. I am extremely gladful to greet you all again with a new zeal and energy. I had almost stopped blogging this year due to hectic study schedules and the final year project which is no less than a nightmare for every engineer as you would discover with the surprise post tomorrow.

Let me share some beautiful memories of university life with all of you for I consider you guys no less than a family and later I will let you know about MBT's new year gift that will surely be the biggest ever from us.


Final Year Course List

Following is the list of courses that we studied this year. Complete list of all courses can be viewed by clicking here.

Spring Semester

S. NO.
1. CS-419 Digital Signal Processing
2. CS-412 Artificial Intelligence
3. CS-403 VLSI Design
4. CS-425 Entrepreneurship for Computer Engineers
5. CS-421 Parallel Processing
6. CS-406 *Computer Engineering Project

Fall Semester

S. NO.
1. CS-414 Information Theory
2. CS-417 Computer System Modeling
3. CS-423 Introduction to Distributed Systems
4. CS-406 Computer Engineering Project
5. CS-### Elective Course
Elective Courses:
(a) Internet Computing
(b)Introduction to Embedded Systems
(c) Computer Systems Security
(d) Robotics and Kinematics

Some Memories

Painful sleepless nights

in first year of uni!


Just 23 of my classmates out of a total 140! :) 1/3rd Shown in intro pic. Can't sum up the fun we had together.


Final Year Project Group meetings

Ahmed Nasir and Sajjad Ahmed

Mohammad, Shozaib and Ahmed nasir


Testing & Debugging Project



Annual dinner

receiving Title from my friend Asjad Azeemwith Taqi, haris, wassay

New Year Gift!

I was so lost with studies that I hardly managed to dive back in blogosphere. I have seen tremendous new changes in internet trends, search engine algorithms, online business swings, and of course to Blogspot and wordpress platforms. I am aware of those 4500 unread emails on my primary inbox and I feel so deeply apologized for not being able to respond.  There is a lot that is popping in my head and we will be releasing tones of new scripts, templates and plugins in coming days. In order to keep our tradition of distributing free goodies each year, I will share complete details and downloadable resources of a 3D Game that we developed as our final year project. Unlike traditional games, its not played with joysticks or keyboards, your gestures and tongue will control the virtual character. Wait for the official release of "Computer Aided First Aid Trainer [CAFAT] " tomorrow. A game that will teach users with survival tactics in order to learn how to respond to emergency and call-to-action scenarios.

CAFAT  is a 3D Game developed and programmed in Unity3D which is the most popular gaming engine that allows developers to create fully functional, professional  3D gaming prototypes with realistic environments, dynamic effects and quality sounds.

How are you all buddies?

I am extremely excited to learn about your whereabouts. Kindly let me know how is everything at your side. How is your blogging craze going on and how far you succeeded with your online goals. This year had been a year of great struggle for all online publishers due to extremely harsh Google penalties and I have seen several people abandoning their blogs. Tell me if you managed to survive all these challenges and what do you plan for 2014? I would be honored to hear from all of you. Peace and blessings buddies. :)

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  1. welcome back mohamed , we miss you : )
    fan from algeria ;)

  2. Wow... Seriously looking forward to the new game... and yes, congrats on completing your exams buddy... but dont get so ambitious as life has many more exams for you which will never end... but am sure you will pass them all with flying colors and get better every time... Best of luck buddy ;)

    1. That is so true of you prashanth. No matter how far we get, life will offer many tests. I just hope we all succeed with challenges we face irrespective of whether they are bitter or sweet. Welcome home buddy ;)

  3. Hello,

    So next you gonna get arrested! lol

    can't wait to try your game.

    1. that was hilarious dear Mohammad Shimran!

      Luckily we have not programmed avatars of policemen inside the game so you can surely play it with freedom :p

  4. Many many Congratulation from the bottom of my heart, you have completed the long journey >> BS program....Now its the time to showoff MBT awesomeness to the whole world..because our beloved & official blogger Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai come back..in...blogging..arena.


    Now its the time to showoff MBT awesomeness..

    1. I am so glad to see you Hafeez. I just hope you are doing excellent dear brother! :)

      How are things at your end and how is your great blog going on? So much to learn form you all hafeez.

    2. Ahmed Brother, i have learned a lot from MBT. and i could not have the ability to pay the MBT credit...We will always be in touch with you. MBT is our Primary home in blogosphere....In short i would say..MBT will always in our heart forever... thanks billions....

  5. So glad you've finally completed your studies. Congratulations !!! Hope to see MBT in super colors next year. Love You

    1. Love you more dear ayoola. Welcome home buddy. Thanks for being with us. :)

  6. Congrats!!!.Yes it is tough to concentrate full on blog when you are on studies and projects.And i hope you have learned or created new things in these 4 year bachelor journey.
    All the best.

    1. Indeed pazhi. That was infact the toughest part on my life to focus on two ships. Luckily I can now concentrate on just one now and I am hopeful the ride would be pretty pleasant with friends like you :)

  7. Congratulation Brother that you completed your Bachelor Journey and Welcome Back i really miss your presence and in fact all your readers miss you so a big Welcome Back and no its time to teach us something unique

    1. Apart from verbal expression, I honestly thought about you all whenever I was online. So you guys were with me. I am here to serve you all again and I hope your queries get answered. Thank you Austan :)

  8. Congrates Muhammad! You DID it again! :D

  9. Welcome Back .and
    Congratulation .....

  10. Mubarak ho! Best of luck again to your future!

  11. First Switch To A Responsive Tempate

    1. That is the first thing I need to do. thank you for reminding ;)

  12. Geçmiş olsun.Başarılı bir hayat dileklerimle.Allah'a emanet ol arkadaşım.

  13. Congratulations ! glad you are back ...

  14. hello sir i want ask something from u

  15. Congratulation.

    nedians will miss you.

    1. I will miss NEDians myself and especially a friend like you :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Engr. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmadzai (looks good) :) Congratulations Buddy for ending the academic field and Welcome Back.

    Stay Blessed
    Abdul Rahman Majeedi

  19. Salam Mohammed.
    - Mohammed Jamiu from Nigeria.

  20. Congrats on completing on degree!
