Create MP3 Music Playlist With Dewplayer For Blogs

Mp3 Playlist PlayerPlay several Mp3 songs, files on your music player! DewPlayer is compatible with all blogger blogs,  wordpress blogs or any other platform you may be using. On our previous post we created a flash music player using single Mp3 file supporting Music players but now we will learn on how to create a Playlist using the Dewplayer. Due to no details on how to create a playlist at alsacreations website, it took me long till I found a working method. You need to be really careful while following this tutorial. This player is an amazing free music player that will surely stand out your website in the crowd. So lets play again!
The Player comes with multiple Mp3 file support, Play, Pause and Stop option along with volume and song selection option. Hit the play button to hear a beautiful song:

Add Dewplayer Playlist to your Websites and Blogs

You will need three things here,
  1. The Flash File for the playlist i.e. dewplayer-playlist.swf
  2. The xml File for the playlist i.e. playlist.xml
  3. and most importantly the Mp3 file links

1)   First thing first, upload your selected Mp3 files on a free hosting site. I recommend mydatanest
2) Next download and upload the Flash file also: Download SWF File
3) Copy the code below and save it in a notepad by giving the .xml extension,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
    <title>Ounage Playlist</title>
    <info>The Best Playlist for Testing</info>

          <location>MP3 LINK #1</location>
          <title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>

          <location>MP3 LINK #2</location>
          <title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>

          <location>MP3 LINK #2</location>
          <title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>

Before saving make these changes:
  • Replace MP3 LINK #1, 2, 3 with the Direct URLS of your uploaded mp3 files.
  • Replace WRITE SONG TITLE HERE with the song name
  • To add another track simply paste the following code just above </trackList>
          <location>MP3 LINK #4</location>
          <title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>
Now save your notepad file by giving it the .xml extension. To save the file go to File and then choose Save as.. See the screenshot below,
giving extension in notepad

4)  Now upload the xml file on a free hosting site in similar manner as you did for uploading the swf and mp3 files.

5) Finally use the code below to add the Playlist anywhere on your website:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE" width="240" height="200"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="movie" value="ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE" /> <param name="flashvars" value="xml=ADD XML FILE LINK HERE" /> </object>
  • Replace ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE with the playlist swf link that you uploaded in step#2
  • Replace ADD XML FILE LINK HERE with the XML file link that you uploaded in setp#4
  • To change the height edit the yellow highlighted text.
That's all!
Apply all steps carefully and find a beautiful Mp3 Playlist Player on your websites just like this one:


All code rights are strictly reserved by MBT blog. This tutorial is shared for the first time with the Playlist details and if you wish to share the playlist creation guide with your readers then you may kindly attach attribution to this page.

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  1. i just applied it at my blog .it was great. thank u once again.
    just want to add somthing to help MBT friends, that if you want player to play mp3 automatically when ur blog loads, or you want random songs to play, just add following code after your playlist file

    so your coding should look like this

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="your dewplayer-playlist skin.swf" width="240" height="200" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="your dewplayer-playlist skin.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="xml=YOUR XML FILE LINK HERE&amp;autostart=1&amp;randomplay=1&amp;volume=80" /> </object>


  3. I have trouble with the XML File; the player keeps on saying "XML Error." May someone please tell me possible errors I'm making?

  4. It won't let me comment with the code I was using, but I followed all of your instructions (I used Google Sites as a host instead). Please help! Thanks!

  5. i have tried it but its not working . It doesn't show the playlist and not play any song.I need help.

  6. Hi !!
    Dewplayer rocks, I have it on my website.
    Now I have a small problem, I have auto-play turned on and my playlist starts on the first song every time I load the page, but..
    is there a way I could make the auto-play shuffle the songs, so that every time the page loads a different song is played?

    this is the code I have now: value="autostart=1
    thanks in advance

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. thank you mybloggertricks.
    keep posting i will be waiting for your next nice tip.

    actually it was first time when i got any website listed at no.1 and which resulted in my all destiny.
    I just searched "adding music playlist on google" and you was on the top and I am happy because I got what i wanted with no hard work at all!

    God bless you

  10. @ozakio

    Thanks ozaki for your suggestion.
    friends it is true that .xml file was not working as direct link from google-sites.

  11. thanks man is v v good i put it on

  12. How can I create the SWF file. the download link doesn't work. thanks for any help in advance

  13. Hey, Mohammad! Thank you very much for this very good tutorial. I did the playlist as you explain here in this post and had no problem! You can review my playlist of greek music at the end of the tab "Musica" from my helenistic blog La pequeña Grecia. Have a nice day and all your indications worked very well for me.

    Thank you again!!! Excellent!!! I write to you from Caracas - Venezuela.

    Nice weekend!!!

  14. Dear All,
    I have added your code to my blogger, but it wasn't work. I uploaded my file to
    So, how can i do? I need help!
    Thank you before hand!

  15. Thank you very much. Is there a way to make the font larger?

  16. Can you set up the xml playlist for dew player-playlist.swf to point to all audio in a specific folder like have it play all songs found in /mp3 or do you have to list each song one by one?
