Add a Cute Flying Twitter Bird To Your Blogs

flying-twitter-birdWith Twitter's worldwide popularity and with over 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day, it has become a must for every web master to use twitter sharing buttons and applications as much on his web as possible. This lets users to easily  tweet our blogs and websites which thereby generates traffic for us in return. Harish of way2blogging has coded a beautiful cute twitter bird that flies from corner to corner of your web page as you scroll up or down. It has a follow me link as well as tweet link. It is compatible with all browsers.

I am sure you will love to see that bird flying.  So here goes the demo,



How To Add the Twitter Flying Bird To Blogger?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search for </body>
  4. And just above it paste the code below


<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var twitterAccount = &quot;MyBloggerTricks&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;;


   5.  Replace MyBloggerTricks with your twitter account username.

    6.  Save your template and you are done!

    7.   View your blog to see it flying. :)


If you faced any problem just let me know. Have fun!

If you don't want to get yourself into Serious Technical Trouble while editing your Blog Template then just sit back and relax and let us do the Job for you at a fairly reasonable cost. Submit your order details by Clicking Here »


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  1. Don't you think this would distract the reader.

  2. Yes i agree with sam...Sometimes when reader wants to copy something then the bird will come in front of him and it will be selected also.
    mohd_check ur mail buddy.

    Karan chauhan

  3. Great one Mohammad again,

    Still waiting for my answers on your other posts hope you saw them by now

  4. not wrkin 4 me
    b4 or b4 ????

    coz here html tags nt allowd



  5. Mohd, its the code which I posted on on November 7, 2010

    I see that its the same code, but he has worked a bit for letting users set their twitter username. And posted it this Jan.

    Anyway no worries.

  6. well this is working fine for me in my program blog, check out, its working properly, just keep in mind to place the code properly, there are two codes given over there, so do use it wisely....enjoy it

  7. @Sam
    It depends on your blog topic. If your content is meant to entertain the visitors then I guess the bird isn't that bad at doing the job well. :> PS: Most often such tutorials are meant for newbie bloggers who love to discover new things.

    I will pal. Time is getting really uncontrolled these days for me.

    Oh sure sure I will. I do highly apologise for late replies due to blog load.

    Paste the code in your HTML/Javascript widget instead then.

    I am with you sreejesh if there are some attribution conflicts. Please let me know of the original developer if it is someone else than the one I mentioned.

    Please paste the code in HTML/JAvaScript widget instead

    It surely is :>

    I am glad it is working for you pal.

    Thanks. :>

  8. This floating bird is not working? plz help me..

  9. @Futoria

    Please use this code instead,

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var twitterAccount = &quot;MyBloggerTricks&quot;;
    var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;;

    Let me know if this worked. :>

  10. Can this be done in wordpress?

  11. @Anony #17

    Oh sure you can. The code uses simple html and javascript. You can ask your designer to do that for you if you have a paid wordpress account.

  12. As-Salamu Alaykum Mohammad.

    I actually do not have the designer with me anymore. But I know html and stuffs. Not too good with javascript though.

    Can you help me out please?

  13. @Anony
    W.salam brother!
    Sure I can. In your template search for this code </body>
    and just above it paste the code below,

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var twitterAccount = &quot;MyBloggerTricks&quot;;
    var tweetThisText = &quot; Blog Title : Blog URL &quot;;

    Replace Blog title with your blog name and blog url with your blog link. Hope this helps.

  14. Thank you for this!!! I LOOOVE this so much!!

  15. WOW. cute! its work on me
    thank you.

    if you visit my blog, there is a walking duck there, can you help me to remove it? (what should i do?)

    Thank You

  16. Dear Mohammad I have added this cute flying twitter bird in my blog. But some times it looks disturbing, when it hides some words. Definitely it attracts attention of visitor. It will take more appreciation if bird lands on blank area or we can drag it.

  17. I search for plugins,widgets and gadgets for Blogger and I came upon your site. I saw the flying Twitter bird and installed it on my blog. She is cute. It is not distracting at all right now. I have a reunion site and I think she gives an added touch. If later on I have more content and someone complains about the bird, I will then remove her, but for is cool. Thanks for the code you works great!!

  18. Yes man I Do it Thanks So Much Finally can find this its so simple just add this code like add html code in design lol....
    thanks so much.
    your site is so helpful for all peoples.thanks for all you do.

  19. I am confused

    It does not work in my blog

    not if I put it above the closed code for body and not of I put it in sidebar as the html/java code in box named gadget...

    strange, very strange...may you help, please


  20. Wow,it really work.It's way too cute >.<

  21. hi i am roy ur site is amazing but this twitter bird and Floating Google +1, Facebook, Twitter Buttons For Blogger are not working on my site i did what ever here it is can u mail me please help me thank u

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Graet info..thanskf for sharing

  24. so bird is flying at

  25. Thanks for sharing. It is working on my blog.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Assalam O alaikum and thanks a lot for this post..... i am looking for this. its help me alot Thank and keep it up

  28. how to search in blog title and add a twitter bird please help me

  29. wow its simple and it works, thanks man its great or newbie like me....

  30. can i connect this bird with my website instead of twitter ?

  31. Wow, this worked great---I was really suprised! Thanks so much for this awesome step-by-step for someone not so tech savvy like me!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. how do u add heading between two blue line , i also want to do this

  34. thanks for this i have added it to my blog once again thanks

  35. please help me... i am doing exactly what u have mentioned.. but i am not gettin any widget or gadget... please help...

  36. I have tried adding this in my html and as a widget in my sidebar, and it is not working. Do you know if there is a way to get it to work? Thanks!

  37. its not working to me as well ...tried every possible way

  38. the .js file is removed from the host, so i think this will not work
