Subscription Email Form For Blogger Equipped With RSS Feed

Click here To use Wordpress Type Subscription Email Form



I am extremely sorry for delaying this post. Due to burden of studies I was finding it difficult to publish posts but now everything is fine. Now without wasting your time lets jump straight to the tutorial of adding a beautiful Subscription form to the sidebars of your BlogSpot blogs.


Before Proceeding make sure you have burnt your feeds at

Now do the following,

  1. Go To Blogger > Layout
  2. Click Add a Gadget or Add a Page element
  3. Choose HTML/JavaScript Widget
  4. Inside this widget paste the code below,

<a href="" rel="alternate" title="Subscribe now to avail the unthinkable" type="application/rss+xml"><img border="0" alt="" style=" padding-bottom:20px; margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; width:100px; height:100px;" src=""/></a><p><a href="" rel="alternate" title="Subscribe to my feed" type="application/rss+xml">Join the team! </a><span style="color: #5C6AA4; font-weight: bold;">By Submitting your email address:</span></p>
input.mbt1 {
font: bold 10px Arial, sans-serif;
input.mbt1hov {
font: bold 10px Arial, sans-serif;
border:2px solid #F39100;
<form action="" style="padding: 5px; " target="popupwindow" method="post" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"><input style=" color:#5C6AA4; background: #fff; border:1px solid #5C6AA4; width: 90px;" name="email" type="text"/><input value="TntByStc" name="uri" type="hidden"/><input value="en_US" name="loc" type="hidden"/> <input onmouseover="this.className='mbt1 mbt1hov'" onmouseout="this.className='mbt1'" value="GO!" class="mbt1" type="submit"/></form><br/>

Now you need to make some important changes to customize the widget.

  • Replace with your Feed URL that Feedburner has provided you. If you don’t now how to get it simple replace TntByStc with your Feed title like this,


  • To use a different RSS Feed Icon simple change the URL below with that of yours,

  • Replace TntByStc with your own Feedburner Feed Title
  • The Color code #5C6AA4 refers to the text colour and border colour of the Subscription Box. May be MBT Color Chart will help you. If you are using MBT Buster Themes than change the colours as follows,

               For Buster Theme 1 leave the code #5C6AA4 unchanged.

               For Buster Theme 2 replace #5C6AA4 with #64A6E4

               For Buster Theme 3 replace #5C6AA4 with #37BD07

               For Buster Theme 4 replace #5C6AA4 with #7CA2C4

               If you are using MBT Church Theme then replace #5C6AA4 with #7CA2C4

That’s it. Hit Save and Preview Your Widget!

I hope it was simple to understand :|

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  1. '''I am extremely sorry for delaying this post. Due to burden of studies I was finding it difficult to publish posts but now everything is fine.'''

    As I tell my son and daughter, "Studies need to come first! They help your future"! lol! I'm sure you get to hear things along those lines as well! ;)

    Thank you for your quick response! lol or maybe it was my timing!

  2. @Hannah

    Hannah your children are lucky to have such an active mother. Its impressive to see how easily you manage time.

    And yes you are right you replied just after few hours of this publish :D

  3. A Good News:

    I successfully recovered my Google PageRank from 0 to 2.0 just after a month as I had expected. I hope it keeps on increasing.

    Thanks to all readers for their support.

  4. Mohammad thanks for sharing this code.

    Congress on PR update dude!

  5. You are a true SEO!


  6. Hey!! Thats great news!!:)My page rank is now 1 of

    Or my page rank is 0 of

    How to increase page rank Mohammad?? please help me...

  7. Hello I have a serious doubt i tried anshuldudeja's comment bubble for each post but when i tried it the comment bubble is messing up with my blog post title please help me

  8. And one more doubt for me how can i split header into two sections as u can see in my blog where i use template designed by please help me
    note:-same as i am using in my template in your MBT Church theme

  9. @Anup

    PageRank is based on Google's Link building Algorithm that adds up when links from external sites are redirected to your blog. Each link especially a one-way link from an external source having a good PR contributes to your PR increase.
    The short and quick tip to increase your PR is that work hard on building up reputation in Blogosphere by sharing unique content. People will link to you from different authorities causing your PR to increase. Never ask for link exchanges. Two-way linking results zero. Moreover 1000 links from a PR zero blog to yours result in Zero or may be 1. In short work hard the fruit will be sweet by itself :>

  10. @China

    Friend what do you mean by "anshuldudeja's comment bubble". Can you clarify your first comment

    You can add an extra widget area just below header. To do that , set showaddelement value to 3 in your template and maxwidgets to 3. Make sure you check the box next to "Expand Widget Templates"

    MBT Church theme has it be default :)

  11. at first i mean check this URL
    when i tried the tutorial given by him it worked but it is messing up with my blog post title

    and the second one is i know that i can change the max widgets to any number i am asking about splitting header into two and it should look like this
    see this below link for the picture how i want the header to be
    and see my blog for how it look like

    u r great because you created a nice templates for bloggers you are no.1 according to me

    and the last thing is the template which i am using is created by name is blacknero template

  12. Do you know when will google updated our page rank??

  13. @China

    Thanks for explaining. Kindly email me the link of your Template so that I could make necessary alignment changes for the comment bubble/background to look good on yours template. I will share the new CSS code right here.

    You also asked about splitting the header well that is surely easy but comprehensive. The header wrapper need to be divided into three Div sections, one as headerright and the other as headerleft. You will than need to link the CSS to the Widget b:section area. All this needs a detailed post. But If you are eager to add this effect to some template, than email me the download link of it. I will split the header for you and will email the template back to you.
    I hope you understand that Splitting the header needs detailed instructions. May be you will find it confusing if I share it here.


    Google PR is updated once after each 45 days

  14. thanks i will surely email the download link of the template as i have exams tomorrow i will email u tomorrow thanks for ur suggestions hope u will surely reply after i emailed to u

    at last my name is not china
    it is chinna

  15. at last i want a favicon like u with my name jayarajyadav

  16. @China

    I will be waiting


    I am going to write a series of posts on SEO in coming days. I have a lot to share and would surely share first heard content.

  17. Blogger-Subscription-Form I am extremely sorry for delaying this post. Due to burden of studies I was finding it difficult to publish posts but now everything is fine. Now without wasting your time lets jump straight to the tutorial of adding a beautiful Subscription form to the sidebars of your BlogSpot blogs.

    I found your post very helpful and easy to follow. I was able to add a subscription form in my blogger blog, but had one small problem. When I tested using an email address it showed me that "The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled". I tried to enable it following the given instructions but it kept giving me the same . Could you assist so I enable the subscriptions.

  18. @phosi,

    Did you inserted your feed title accurately instead of TNTbySTC. You can also use the following dynamic feed URL ->
    <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;feeds/posts/default&quot;'>Feed RSS</a>
    If the probelm persists than let me now so that I could update the post

  19. The first method was easier, the only problem was that after subscribing, then it showed that my email was not enabled at feedburner.

  20. @phosi

    Did you solve the problem or not? If yes then thumbs up! :D If not then let me know so that I could update the post

  21. Thanks for the tutorials Mohammad. :D

  22. Sir Mohammad thanks alot, i have learned alot... visit my blog to check... ur widget is working fine and I really appreciate it! thanks for being helpful to us@! xD

  23. @ebince

    Thanks for the kind remarks. I have reviewed your blog. I must appreciate your efforts put into tyour blog. Keep it up. I have also added your blog to E-buckets! :>>

  24. weeee thanks alot sir.. godbless!:)

  25. thanks...

    i use this wigdet...

    nice too meet you....

  26. widget on top is too wide for my blog. is there any way to make it shorter? I've tried to cut the message but it makes a blank space under....and thanks for your attention

  27. Hi.
    I have a doubt not related with your above post. I want to create a button or say you can say icon as u have made for your own( code: <a href="http:// )so that it can be embedded on others site to link my site. I know how to create image of my own in Photoshop and HTML and CSS. Just i wanna know that how to implement it.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Amazing post !!! Thank You so much :D
